Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fatah official: Israel is carrying out a ?program of Israelization? in Jerusalem

Fatah official: Israel is carrying out a ?program of Israelization? in Jerusalem?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Dec. 29, 2011
???? "Palestinian philosopher and member of the Fatah Advisory Council, Ahmed Ghneim, called to adopt what he referred to as a program for the Palestinization of Jerusalem as well as a clear Palestinian world-view for dealing with the program of Israelization which Israel is carrying out in Jerusalem? This was during a conference held by the Ministry of Information in Qalqilya yesterday evening? Ahmed Ghneim spoke about the historical background of Jerusalem? Ghneim reviewed the repeated efforts of the Zionist movement to seek a legend that would draw Jews throughout the world, and turn them from a religion into a nation? He noted that the insistence on declaring Jerusalem the eternal capital [of the Jewish people] means that the war is a religious war, even though Israel has no right to Jerusalem ? not religiously, not legally, not politically, and not historically."
PA Parliament member: The "Israeli enemy" has policy of ?Judaizing Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrah??
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Sept. 22, 2011
???? "The National Forces in the village of Hajja held a political gathering yesterday? during which the participants emphasized their support for the President [Abbas] and his appeal to the UN? Member of Parliament (Legislative Council) Najat Abu Bakr? noted the influential role of women in the next stage. She emphasized that this was a most sensitive stage, requiring of us much sacrifice and patience, and that one of the most important steps is a boycott of all Israeli goods, not only goods from settlements. She noted the nature of the Israeli enemy and its policy of Judaizing Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrah (in East Jerusalem), as an example. [She also spoke about] its barbaric attacks on Palestinian territories, chopping down olive trees in the villages of southern Nablus and in Salfit, and the policy of [using] dogs trained to bite human flesh."
Official PA daily: Israel "still attempting to Judaize Arab Jerusalem"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Aug. 21, 2011
Headline: "At the hands of extremist Jew Michael Dennis ? today is 42nd anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Mosque being set on fire"
???? "August 21st every year is a sad anniversary for the Palestinian people and for the Arab and Islamic nations ? the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Mosque being set on fire by the extremist Jew from Australia, Michael Dennis?
This criminal act caused serious responses in the Islamic world, and demonstrations broke out everywhere. One of the ramifications of this crime was the establishment of the Islamic Conference Organization, to which all the Islamic countries belong? But the organization has not succeeded in stopping the activities of destruction and defilement of Al-Aqsa to this very day?
From even before Al-Aqsa was set on fire, and until today, the Israeli authorities are trying via different ways and means to harm the Mosque, by excavating under it and building adjoining tunnels, which has led to the destruction of the Mosque's foundations at the Jerusalem Shrine (i.e., the Temple Mount).
The Israeli authorities are still attempting to Judaize Arab Jerusalem, and are always trying to hide [from view] the Dome of the Rock, regarded by the world as the symbol of Arab Jerusalem, in a pitiful attempt to convince the world that Jerusalem is not Arabic but rather Jewish. Likewise, they continue to incite against Muslims, and no one can rule out the possibility that some new Jewish 'madman' will set fire to the Mosque again."

Note: The fire in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969 was started by a deranged Australian Christian, but the Palestinian Authority has attributed it to Israel for years.

Israel continues "extensive Judaization operations" in the Old City?
Source: WAFA news agency,?June 23, 2011
Headline: "Israel Continues Judaization of Jerusalem"
???? "Israeli Jerusalem municipality continues its extensive judaizing operations near Damascus Gate, one of the Old City?s most renowned gates, as well as in Sultan Suleiman street, adjacent to the Old City?s walls...
The name of the historic Solomon?s Cave was changed to 'Yahu?s Cave' and Sultan Suleiman Street changed to Yahu Street, within the framework of judaizing the names of streets and monuments in occupied Jerusalem - removing their Arabic names and replacing them with Hebrew ones in order to negate the Palestinian heritage of the city.
Israeli crews also removed many olive trees in the context of changing features of the area and giving it a Talmudic character according to plans made public by the Israeli municipality. The plans include the establishment of Talmudic parks in areas adjacent to the historical Wall of Jerusalem, where there is currently accelerated work near Herod's Gate, while renaming the Umayyad palaces south of Al-Aqsa mosque as 'The Temple Cleansers,' referring to the alleged temple that a large group of extremist Jewish organizations has sought to build in place of Al-Aqsa Mosque."
Chairman of the Palestinian National Council: Israel "works to Judaize the city of Jerusalem"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?June 19, 2011
Headline: ?Al-Za?anoun warns of accelerated [construction] works for Judaization of Jerusalem, and demands that they be halted?
???? ?Chairman of the [Palestinian] National Council, Salim Al-Za?anoun, yesterday demanded a halt to the works to Judaize the city of Jerusalem, ?in the vicinity of the [Al-Aqsa] Mosque, turning them into ritual baths for the ?alleged temple?, and turning the surroundings of the Mosque and the Old City of Jerusalem into biblical parks. They [occupation authorities] have also begun changing the names of streets in the city to Jewish names.?
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PA daily: Israeli government to approve $100 million plan for the "Judaization of Jerusalem"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?May 29, 2011
Headline: ?Israeli government to discuss today $100 million allocation for Judaization of Jerusalem?
???? ?The Israeli government will hold a ceremonial meeting at the Citadel Mosque, which the occupation has turned into a museum called the David?s Citadel Museum, to mark the 44th anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque ? or, as the occupation calls it, ?Jerusalem Liberation Day?.
The Israeli government announced that during the session it would approve a government plan for the Judaization of Jerusalem? Participants in the execution of the plan, along with the Israeli government, are the occupation municipality in Jerusalem and the so-called Jerusalem Development Authority.
The [Israeli Arab] Al-Aqsa Institute for Islamic Trusts and Heritage emphasized in a statement which it issued that ?this allocation, along with the regular high budget and other special allocations? proves that the Israeli establishment is trying and seeking to Judaize Jerusalem in its entirety??
The Al-Aqsa Institute noted: ?The occupation is acting to Judaize the Arab and Islamic landmarks in Jerusalem, and seeks to erase and conceal many of them. Also, it seeks to expel the Palestinians from their land and from their homes, and to strangle the Palestinian economy. In addition, the occupation seeks to accelerate settlement in Jerusalem and to Judaize the immediate surroundings of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and especially the Al-Buraq [Western Wall] area.?
Israel falsifies Jerusalem?s history and heritage to bring about its "complete Judaization"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?May 7, 2011
Headline: ?Warning concerning construction of Talmudic parks, targeting of Al-Bustan neighborhood, and Judaization of Silwan?
???? ?The Committee for Protection of Silwan Land and Assets warned of accelerated work in the area? [Member of the committee Fakhri] Abu Diab drew attention to the fact that the occupation authorities (i.e., Israel) are acting to falsify facts and history, by ?planting? alleged graves in the area, claiming that they are Jewish ones, and thereby conclusively seizing the area?
He stated that the results of the [construction of] very prominent works being carried out by the occupation?s instruments, are changes in the area?s landmarks, with the aim of falsifying its history and its heritage, and [bringing about] its complete Judaization, as a service to the legend and fable of the alleged Temple. As to the parks? they will belong to the Temple, which the occupation authorities and groups of extremist Jews are hurrying to build in place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.?
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PA daily: Israel resorts to forgery to create Jewish history in Jerusalem?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Apr. 13, 2011
Headline: ?Personalities living in Jerusalem: The occupation authorities [Israel] are forging the wall of Jerusalem by inserting stones engraved with a model of the alleged Temple?
???? ?Respected Jerusalem bodies and personalities warned of suspicious forgery activities accompanying the extensive rehabilitation works which the occupation authorities [Israel] are carrying out?
Chairman of the Jerusalem Association of NGO?s, Hazem Gharabli, told WAFA?: ?What intensifies the concerns of Jerusalem bodies and individuals ? even regular people ? is the fact that the occupation authorities have completely covered the area where the rehabilitation works are being carried out, not allowing anyone to see which activities are actually going on there. Their aim may be to remove original stones and to replace them with stones with Talmudic drawings or engravings, alluding to the existence of a Jewish heritage in the city.?? The Al-Aqsa Institute for Islamic Trusts and Heritage said that the Israeli occupation had replaced several stones from the wall with stones carrying Talmudic Jewish symbols, such as a stone with a model of the alleged Temple, and a stone with a Star of David.?
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PA Ministry warns of "electronic Judaization" campaign falsifying history of the Al-Buraq Wall [Western Wall]?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Mar. 14, 2011
???? ?Minister of Religious Affairs, Mahmoud Habbash, said that the Islamic holy places and houses of worship have been subjected, over the past 2 months, to more than 30 attacks carried out by the occupation [Israel] and its settlers.
In a report published yesterday on the subject of Israeli attacks and violations against sites holy to Islam, houses of worship, and Waqf [Islamic Trust] land during January-February, the Ministry of Religious Affairs stated that these attacks included defilement of the Al-Aqsa Mosque plazas and invasions into them, targeting of Islamic heritage, digging of tunnels and preventing the call to prayer at the Ibrahimi Mosque [Cave of the Patriarchs].
The report noted that Jewish organizations had embarked, on Jan. 3, 2011, on a campaign of electronic Judaization, in an attempt to falsify the history of the Al-Buraq wall [Western Wall]. The so-called ?Western Wall Heritage Foundation? launched a worldwide electronic service for the i-Phone, making it possible to watch the goings-on at the Al-Buraq wall in real time.
He stated that this service made it possible for the viewer to take a virtual tour of the Al-Buraq tunnel and the tunnel of the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and noted that there is also a service [providing] a worldwide compass which points in the direction of Jerusalem, in order to hold Jewish prayer in the direction of the alleged Temple.?
Israel to make Jerusalem "the capital of world Jewry"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Feb. 28, 2011
Headline: ?Khater cautions concerning a conference on tourism in Jerusalem, viewing it as an Israeli attempt to establish facts on the ground?
???? ?Secretary General of the Islamic-Christian Council, Hassan Khater, cautioned yesterday concerning the Israeli insistence on holding the International Tourism Conference in occupied Jerusalem on March 29, noting that invitations had been sent to more than 30 countries. In an announcement on his behalf yesterday, Khater said that the holding of this conference ? under the auspices of the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel, the municipality of occupied Jerusalem, the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, the Jerusalem Development Authority, and other Israeli institutions ? means that Israel has succeeded in marketing Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation state, and forcing this great lie upon the participating countries?
He emphasized that the insistence of the occupation authorities on holding this conference exposes intentions and a trend to consolidate Jerusalem as the capital of world Jewry... and not just as the capital of the State of Israel. He warned that continuation of this policy, in the shadow of international silence, could erode all the international decisions which have been taken for the benefit of the holy city, and may also tempt hundreds of thousands of Jews in the world to immigrate to Jerusalem, especially once they realize that various countries are cooperating with the Israeli lies.?
Israel has policy to Judaize Jerusalem and the Cave of the Patriarchs?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Feb. 17, 2011
Headline: ?Hebron municipality and elders warn of the occupation?s policy of Judaizing the Old City and the Ibrahimi Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs)?
???? ?The Executive Director of the Department of Mosques in the Ministry of Religious Affairs said, in a speech delivered on behalf of the Minister of Religious Affairs [Mahmoud Al-Habbash] during a ceremony held at the Ibrahimi Mosque: ?I direct a message to the occupier (i.e., Israel): We pray that you will be expelled, you and those who are with you. This mosque will remain Arab, Islamic, and belonging to Muslims alone. It will not be left to you as an inheritance, because the Ministry of Religious Affairs will continue to be the devoted guardian and defender of the mosque as Islamic.?
Senior religious official and Mufti of Jerusalem warn that Israel is Judaizing Jerusalem?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Feb. 17, 2011
Headline: ?Our people?s religious leaders are calling for help in order to save Jerusalem?
???? ?The office of the Chief Religious Justice of the Supreme Council for Sharia Justice held a press conference yesterday at the governmental information center at the Ministry of Information in Ramallah, in which speakers addressed the Israeli violations against the city of Jerusalem and the sites holy to Islam and to Christianity. [...] Attending the press conference were Chairman of the Supreme Council for Sharia Justice, Sheikh Yusuf Iddais; Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein; and Deputy Minister of Christian Religious Affairs, Hanna Issa, and representatives of the local, Arab, and world media.
In his address, Sheikh Iddais noted that the holy city and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are being subjected to ongoing and systematic Judaization by the leading rabbis in Israel and Jewish religious leaders, who incite to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque in various ways. This is in addition to the policy of Judaization which Israel adopts against the holy city, its inhabitants, and its holy places. [?]
Sheikh Hussein noted that several things must be done to stop the Israeli attacks and Judaization, including visiting the holy city, carrying out Ribat within it, and exposing Israeli actions."
Israel to destroy Al-Aqsa in order to build the "alleged Temple in its place"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Feb. 7, 2011
???? ?Secretary of the Supreme Islamic Council [and former PA Chief Justice of Religious Court] Sheikh Tayseer Al-Tamimi, warned of the [possibility of] Israeli occupation authorities implementing their criminal scheme of destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and construction of the alleged Temple in its place...
Al-Tamimi said that he believes that the steps adopted by the Israeli occupation ? Judaization of the holy city; a blurring of its Arab and Muslim landmarks through destruction of its residents? homes and its historical and archaeological structures; confiscation of its land and establishment of settlements upon it; construction of synagogues around it and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque; continued excavations beneath its foundations; prevention of worshippers from praying inside it; isolation of the city from its Palestinian surroundings by means of the racist separation fence; and prevention of entry to it ? [all of these] are plots aimed at changing its identity and transforming it [Jerusalem] into a Jewish city, and destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque and establishing the alleged Temple in its place. Al-Tamimi called upon the Arab nation and the Islamic nation to be alert and to adopt cautionary measures towards what is happening in Jerusalem and towards the attack which the Israeli government is seeking to carry out at this difficult time in the history of the nation. He placed responsibility for any attack whatsoever on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and its ramifications, upon the Israeli government and the international community.?
PA TV: Israel to build the ?alleged Temple? ?
Source: Palestinian TV (Fatah),?Jan. 28, 2011
Program: ?Good Morning Jerusalem?
Interview with Ahmed Al-Rweidi, responsible for the Jerusalem portfolio in the Presidential office (i.e., Mahmoud Abbas?s office), concerning the conclusion of excavations of the tunnel between Silwan and the Al-Aqsa Mosque:
???? ?I entered the main entrance of this tunnel some time ago, and saw the gate that they [Israelis] had placed there. It is clear from this that Israel is planning to build the alleged Temple, which they claim [stood] at the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.?
Marwan Barghouti: The Israeli enemy steals land and Judaizes Jerusalem?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Jan. 24, 2011
Marwan Barghouti, member of PA parliament:
???? ?I address special greetings to the great Palestinian nation, initiator of revolutions and Intifadas, with a legendary history of resolve facing the worst and most abominable enemy known to humanity and modern history; the enemy which does not refrain from carrying out massacres, continuing aggression, theft of land, establishment of settlements and expanding them, and to Judaize Jerusalem ? the city of cities and the jewel in the crown of the [Arab] nation ? and continues with a policy of detention against the members of a defenseless people. I take this opportunity to emphasize once again what we have always said: Israel and its various governments have never made a strategic decision about peace, and the wait to achieve national independence with the approval of the Israeli government is nothing but an illusion. The national independence of nations is seized, through sacrifice, resistance, resolve, and struggle. National independence is seized; one does not wait for it. The gamble on the US will be of no benefit, because it [the US] is not the patron of peace, but rather the patron of the Israeli occupation, aggression, and settlement. In order for our people to be able to seize our national rights, the first step must be an end to the destructive, shameful and wretched split [between Fatah and Hamas]? We must continue on the path of resistance, and act for further achievements and recognition for the establishment of the state. We must continue to act to isolate Israel further on the international, official, and popular level, and on all levels and in all spheres, as well as continuing the campaign to boycott all Israeli goods, not limiting it to settlement goods exclusively.?
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Israel is increasing efforts to build the third Temple, as part of a "Satanic plot"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Jan. 4, 2011
???? "The Al-Aqsa Institute for Religious Affairs and Heritage emphasized that the Israeli occupation and its executive arms are making increasing efforts - in the form of activities by Jewish groups and organizations - to hasten the building of the alleged third Temple in place of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque... The [Jewish] conference agenda included a call for the building of the alleged Temple upon the ruins of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Institute warned that the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is behind these calls... The Al-Aqsa Institute emphasized: 'There is increasing Israeli occupationist madness [aiming] to harm the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to realize a dark and fabled dream - the establishment of the alleged Temple in place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.'
It added: 'All the Israeli actions in Jerusalem and at the Al-Aqsa Mosque are part of a Satanic plot, and therefore the position is worrying and most dangerous. Action must be taken to halt this criminal occupationist activity against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.'" Click to view bulletin
Israel is planning to destroy Al-Aqsa and to build the third Temple on its ruins?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Dec. 31, 2010
???? "According to the reports published by legal and civil institutions in Jerusalem and by groups active in protecting the holy sites and the Arab character of Jerusalem, during 2010, Israeli excavations beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque continued. These works are part of [the efforts] causing the collapse of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in order to establish Solomon's Temple upon its ruins."
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PA daily: Israel conspires to Judaize "Palestine"?
Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,?Dec. 17, 2010
Headline: ?Protection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and support of the people living in its vicinity are religious obligations [obligatory] for every Arab and Muslim?
???? ?Oh believing brothers throughout the world ? in these fateful days which befall the Palestinian people remaining resolute upon the land of Ribat, it is obligatory for every Arab and Muslim to lend material and moral support to our Palestinian people, for protection for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and those who live in its vicinity?
Still their [Israelis? ? Ed.] despicable conspiracies continue, as embodied in excavations, Judaization of the land, theft of identities and temptations which they offer to our people in exchange for their leaving the land. ? The land of Palestine and Syria is the land of Ribat, and it is the fortified barrier behind which the Arabs and Muslims stand in order to fight against their enemies. If the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the land of Palestine are abandoned [and left] without defense, the danger will encompass all Islamic lands, because the enemies? aim is not to rule over Al-Aqsa alone; rather, they believe that if Al-Aqsa and the place to which Muhammad journeyed are treated lightly by Arabs and Muslims, then they will treat their faith lightly. We must all continue to adhere to our faith and to carry out the Ribat until Allah?s victory comes, for ?Allah?s victory is close for the believers?.?


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