Monday, June 24, 2013


<^>Project: A.I.R.E.S<^>

?Subject-Re: Project AIRES Update
From: Lead, Augustus Eckridge
To: Director, John Ford
Date: October 26th, 2037

Dear Director Ford,

In response to your request I?m attached the latest projections for the project to this e-mail, however I?ve also included several various reports to expedite the process. We are making great strides toward the end goal and the team has thus far gotten along with little happenings (Barring the incident with Richter), beyond the typical professional bickering, and production is moving along at pace. The base code for the world, taken from Project: ITUS, has halved the initial generation period leaving us more flexibility to produce exemplary Programs.

By altering the parameters as discussed with yourself and the board we have managed to produce exactly what we intended. Military Smart AIs capable of command and control decisions based on ?human? impulses, though the actual process has developed differently than we expected. In week two we decided to give moderator rights to the world to several selected programs within the system, who unexpectedly began taking more active roles in the projects administration. By the next week these programs had completely reorganized our initial structure of the mock-civilization within the cluster, creating a new system of interaction between themselves and even our Team Members, to our surprise we found this actually increased their absorption rates and development by 6% and have thus elected to leave the changes unmolested. For more information on this please see Report #7.

However, sir, I must admit that it is not all roses over here. My attempted to reach HR in regards to Mr. Richter?s disgruntled harassment has gone responded too. I understand that Mr. Richter was terminated on grounds of Offensive Tendencies however his personal believes cannot be forgotten here. Mr. Richter only became violent when he discovered the purpose of Project AIRES was military. He recently was permitted back in the lab to retrieve some personal files? without a security escort! I ask that you please look into this, before it becomes a greater problem.

Dr. Augustus Eckridge


Welcome to Project: A.I.R.E.S the most advanced Artificial Intelligence development undertaking ever attempted, and you are a part of it. Not for nothing of course, you?re an expert of some type whose past has some barring on the project, be it as a programmer, a developer, or even a psychologist or virtual gamer. Why those last two? Simple, because here are AAI Inc. the programmers of the top projects aren?t just making simple top-to-bottom AI with limited information and interaction capabilities like at the turn of the millennium, these are bottom-to-top AIs that begin as little more than basic code ?eggs? and blossom into being of exponentially more possibilities than their ?dumb AI? cousins. To create these ?Smart AI? the company uses a relatively new technology otherwise reserved for the public?s entertainment. Full Immersion Virtual Reality.

By building a whole world for these AI to grow up in at an accelerated rate AAI has managed to create the world most user friendly and capable computer programs ever to exist, and you, for one reason or another, are helping to pursue that dream.

Ironically this technology has done things bass-ackwards (;3) and was first introduced in the civilian sector and not in the military. The smart AI made banking and consumer relations a breeze while at that time these boundless programs were too untrusted by authority figures to be implemented in military protocols despite the facts. However recently the military has begun sojourning into world of smart AI, and to fill that new demand AAI has created a new team to work on Project: AIRES-





This project uses a newly generated Server World to raise a whole different society, where competition and conflict abound creating the perfect Artificial Intelligence for Military operations, with everything from command and control programs to attack protocols designed to command UAVs and even the shadowy world of Intelligence Programs designated to infiltrate enemy systems being breed within. You are here to expedite and enhance this system. If you, like your former team member Dylan Richter, can?t handle that then there is the door. Because it?s time to dive in.


You were recruited months ago for a specialized project involving the development of Smart AI for Advanced Artificial Intelligence Incorporated, the equivalent of a modern day Microsoft and Google combined this company has got bank. And you just couldn?t say no to the opportunity of working in the most high tech lab with the greatest programmers and doctors in the industry? or the money they offered. Too bad for you though, you would have been much better off having refused?

The team dives into the virtual world that the Programs occupy on a daily basis, using Admin accounts to adjust the world as needed so that the Programs growing within advance as needed toward their end goals. In this world of mixed time periods the programs are left to compete for advancement, gaining further storage space to expand their abilities. Almost like a video game. It worked, creating immensely human military programs which would work better with their operators than any dumb AI ever could. However this success comes at a price.

When the team dives a week or so after a disgruntled colleague was terminated the normal everyday turns into a fight for survival against a deadly virus implanted in the inescapable system. This is where the game begins.


Whereas typically the programs are grown in a world that greatly resembles our own to increase their synchronization with humans and thus create greater user friendliness this system was poorly suited toward military applications. To that end the world was tweaked for Project: AIRES, becoming darker, more metallic in nature, but still keeping the essence of the outer-world, with one major exception, the developers added RPG gaming elements to the server to induce even greater combat amongst the programs for a strong survive system. With every successful venture the programs complete they gain a form of experience, like in an RPG, which determines how much space they can access in their memory cubes, and thus how effective they can be. Of course under normal circumstances Admins are exempt.

Guns were removed, replaced instead with blades, armor, and more primitive weaponry in contrast to the otherwise still modern world. The society that bloomed within this world is a strange one, with an almost religious reverence for the Admins (players) who control and manage the world, a high focus on competition and gaining ?experience? to expand their horizons, and a hierarchy centered around those most daring of programs; those that take part in the dangerous gladiatorial like games call Trials.

Admins, the avatars in which the Development Team inhabit when operating within the virtual space of the world, are different from the other programs of the AI, as they are human and have access to the system consoles. Capable of altering the server at will and using any item or process regardless of their ?experience? these beings are like gods? or were until the Virus interrupted, but that will be explored by you.

OOC: Okay, so, in case you haven?t figured yet, this world greatly resembles Tron, however uses more archaic weaponry, and operates almost like Sword Art Online in the combat, save for the existence of what is called ?Surges? which take the form of various almost magical attacks or spells.

The actual game is taking place after the team is trapped by the virus, and will involve their attempts to escape, this is how we will play, with a deadly program on the loose that is taking control of the Server, intending to conquer every program and destroy them. This includes the Admins, who now have lost their abilities and must battle to escape. It?ll be fun, trust me.

The game will take place the morning before everyone gets stuck, that will be in the real world before the team dives in. I?ve yet to decide if I want to make a reservations list for backgrounds but if you have a suggestion please feel free to post it. Thanks!


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