Friday, August 31, 2012

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?s death, did not give the mother-in-law leave the last words, and also did not leave a penny, and even live in the house for 23 years in eight years ago to transfer to others. Chen daddy died since the mother-in-law brought against neighbors 1900 dollars and charitable community supermarket 20 pounds of rice, a pot of oil to get by. The coming days how too Mother-in-law the moment at a loss. Mother-in-law complained: after her husband?s death,mercurial, her life no Zhao mother-in-law,???????, 70-year-old, after the death of her ex-husband sick,mercurial vapor pas cher, she changed the married father of Chen, Hankou. Zhao mother-in-law and her ex-husband the father of one child, a daughter, both in the Huangpi rural. She said, then married into the city, one to want to be a city people to thinking about the kids future better in the city employment. I did not expect to marry here, the children who occasionally came to visit Chen daddy do not invite them into the house,mercurial, her mother Zhao had downstairs and they talk, and slowly their children do not come. Married here, ?In the past, did not discuss with their children, now daddy gone,jordan, and I?m too embarrassed to go home again.? Zhao mother-in-law?s son,ralph lauren pas cher, Mr. Wu said, want to go home to meet his mother, but limited economic conditions. Zhao said her mother, and Chen dad married 20 years, and never know how much retirement pay his monthly take. Even the usually 10 dollars a day, they prematurely took five yuan, five yuan to buy food but also careful to say to dad listen. Usually the home of the family she made, dad is sick, she was kneeling on the ground to stand up for him,polo ralph lauren, to help him scrub. ?I did not expect so many years of hard working dad dying has not asked a word.? Community Neighborhood Committee labor Street Liberation Party branch secretary Chen Mei-li find dad of two children of a woman discuss her mother?s life in the future. Small son and the neighborhood together to find the daddy of the original unit. Units to Wuhan Social Security Office to check the file and found no Zhao?s grandmother, the account is not in Wuhan, and so be able to apply for social security also will not get paid. After consultation, the unit agreed to a one-time 10,000 yuan compensation for her mother?s life. Chen Shuji said: younger son 10,000 yuan of money he went to run errands strive to, so this is when the mother-in-law fulfill their obligations. ?Reporters survey: Eight years ago, daddy private house transfer Zhao mother still lives in her and dad live with a house of 23 years, but she did not know what can a few days. This house is about 50 square meters. Until dad died, she learned that a few years ago, the house transfer to others. She said: ?youngest son has been urging a few times, and even asked me to single-handedly turn-key, single-handedly to close at 10,??????? ?????,000 yuan of money.? Reporter found the riverbank District Housing Authority, after verification, this house in 2001 by units of public housing into private houses. December 2004 transfer to Miss Song. Miss Song is the ex-wife of the youngest son of Chen dad. Zhao mother-in-law came to labor Street judicial request for legal aid. Staff,jordan, Zhao custody of the mother-in-law did not Chenjia children the Chenjia children so there is no obligation for her. Mother-in-law should be returned to their sons and daughters around pension. In this regard, the the Hubei Noah law firm, Min Li wins lawyers old married couple living together in a house, property rights buyout during the marriage. Mother-in-law of the property rights of the house a share. Dad agreed to transfer the house without her mother, has no legal effect. Mother-in-law can through legal channels to fight for their own share of the house property not afford to apply for legal aid to the urban level judiciary. The cases extend: remarriage elderly how to spend their remaining years And Zhao mother-in-law with the fitness of eight mother-in-law also felt sorry for her. ?Is a servant, 1,000 yuan a month, for 20 years there are more than 20 million. Dad?s children can not regardless of the mother-in-law.? Said 55-year-old Zheng Xiurong. ?In accordance with our traditional concept remarried out, go back now,mercurial vapor pas cher, it is Mabu Kai face, but also elderly, physical deterioration, do not rely on their children but also by whom ? Fan said her mother, mother-in-law, although no dependents Zhao Chen daddy children , but also hard to manage so many years to take care of Chen dad?s life. Remarriage, the elderly,????, the first death,??????, another person how to do Reporter learned that doing good example, some elderly people remarried, will find their children consultations house to let his wife on earth permanent residence, the last property owned by the children. Some the remarriage elderly died after their children out of righteousness, and the sum of the basic living expenses paid to the surviving elderly. Min Li wins lawyers said that remarriage for the elderly, a good idea to make the agreed funeral. Elderly housing property through wills (preferably notarized wills) to make other arrangements for their property, so not only can protect the other party in the future will not dispossessed street, letting their children to receive. (Text in both parties a pseudonym)

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Gazing Up At A Double Sun

Copyright ? 2012 National Public Radio. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.


If you headed outside this Labor Day weekend, besides seeing that second blue moon of the month, just look up at the sky, would you believe that about half of those stars you see are actually two stars or more, the kind of double star system that's quite common? And this week, astronomers reported on the discovery of a planetary system orbiting such a binary star, two planets orbiting two suns. It's called Kepler-47 after the Kepler planet-hunting mission that spotted it.

Joining me now to talk about the find is Jerome Orosz. He is the lead author on the paper of the discovery published this week in the journal Science. He's associate professor of astronomy at San Diego University. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY.

DR. JEROME OROSZ: Thank you for having me.

FLATOW: When you say two planets orbiting a pair of stars, a lot of people might imagine some kind of figure-eight, wacky pattern that's going on here.

OROSZ: Yes. It's quite common, and unfortunately, that's not really possible. And so instead what we have is the two main bodies in the system and stars. You know, they have much the mass, and so they have an orbit of about seven and a half days around each other. And then surrounding those two stars is the inner planet called Kepler-47b. Its orbit surrounds the two stars. Its orbital period is about 49 and half days. And then surrounding that orbit is Kepler-47c. Orbital period there is about 303 days. And so if you were to look at this system from above, you'd see sort of nested orbits.


OROSZ: The binary star is inside within the first planet and in the second planet.

FLATOW: So you have two stars that are sort of orbiting themselves, and around those two stars are two planets.


FLATOW: What would you see from the surface of the planet? What would a typical day of the suns, the two stars passing overhead look like?

OROSZ: Well, in this case, the second star is about 1 percent the brightness of the other star. And so if you're on that planet, you'd see that the main star - which is not too different than our sun. It would rise and set each day. And then near it, you know, not too far of in the sky, roughly half of your - if you hold your fist down at your arm's length, roughly half that size would be the separation. And so you'd see this dimmer companion sometimes trailing, sometimes leading. Every week, you'd see the two stars eclipse each other. And so it'd be a very interesting show.

FLATOW: So there'd be a time when you'd see one sun because there was an eclipse of the other one?

OROSZ: That's correct, yeah. So every seven and a half days, the larger star would completely block the smaller star. So you'd - for a couple of hours, you'd have a single sun.

FLATOW: So that'd be like one star is in retro grade?

OROSZ: Yes. And so yeah, the directions can change, exactly. So one star can lead the other, then it can trail, then it can lead again.

FLATOW: Must make for an interesting sunrise, too, I would imagine.

OROSZ: Exactly. And so your daylight would be more than half of the rotation period. And so just for the sake of argument, let's say, the rotation period is 24 hours, there will be more than 12 hours daylight, because when one of the stars set, you'd still have the other one up and then vice versa. So one of the stars could rise before the other.

FLATOW: Now, multi-star systems - it's called multi-sun, multi-star systems - is not an uncommon thing.

OROSZ: That's correct. And so depending on how you do the statistics, roughly half of the stars you see at night are in multiple systems or either pairs or even groups of three, four, five, six even, right? So the star like the sun that's single is actually sort of an exception.

FLATOW: And how do you discover the pair of stars?

OROSZ: Well, in the case of Kepler-47, we see the orbits of the two stars basically edge-on. And so every seven and a half days, we see a fairly deep eclipse when the smallest star passes in front of the bigger star. And so we measure a 15 percent decrease in the light. Now, backing up, I should say the Kepler telescope, what it does, it simply measures brightness of about 160,000 stars versus time. And it does that round the clock, you know, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. And so when the stars eclipse each other, we can see those brightness dips pretty easily. And so that's why we were looking at Kepler-47, because it was an eclipsing binary.

FLATOW: Wow. 1-800-989-8255 is our number. Talking with Jerome Orosz, associate professor of astronomy at San Diego State University. A paper in science about a binary star system that has two planets going around it. Now, in order for you to see the planets going in front of the star, there has to be sort of a dip in the brightest, correct?

OROSZ: Yes. So we see the orbits of the planets basically, again, from an edge-on perspective. And so once in orbit, the star or the planet passes in front of the stars. It's sort of like what Venus did back in June, you know, it transited across the face of the sun. And so there was roughly a tenth of a percent drop in the brightness of the sun.

FLATOW: And you can see a tenth of one percent drop?

OROSZ: Yes, even smaller. So the Kepler telescope was designed to actually measure dips of the size because its mission is to find transits of Earth-like - Earth-sized planets. And so in favorable cases, they can measure dips of, say, 50 parts-per million, which is pretty amazing.

FLATOW: That's amazing. But, of course, the planets you're finding have to be ones that cross the face of the star you're looking at?

OROSZ: That's exactly right. And so if you just draw the geometry, the odds at this orbital configuration course is actually fairly small. And so roughly speaking, for every transiting system like Kepler-47 that you see, there is probably at least 100 or more systems that you don't see. Because if you're looking on a face-on configuration, you would never see the eclipses of transits, and so there'll be no dip in brightness. And so you just do the statistics, there is, you know, easily a few million or more of these systems and galaxies.

FLATOW: Wow. So what are the odds of finding one with the, sort of, planet sweet spot in there that might have life on?

OROSZ: Yeah, inhabitable. That's actually a good question. It's probably one in the couple 100 if you just sort of draw out angles. And so the further the planet gets from its star, the more precise your alignment has to be for the transit. And so the longer and longer the period gets, the less and less likely it is. And so planets that transit - and there are planets, inhabitables, that transit - those are fairly rare occurrences, and so you need to look at lots and lots of stars to see it happen.

FLATOW: So your paper basically proves that there are lots of binary star systems out there and you can detect planets in them?

OROSZ: Yes, that's correct. Yeah. So it's - before the Kepler mission, it was not really a settled question as to whether close binary stars like Kepler-47 could host close-in planets on certain binary orbits, you know, because the planet formation process may have been disturbed by the binaries. And so a single star clearly is different than binary star. In the binary star, you've got orbital motions and chaotic things going on, which is different compared to a single star. And so these certain binary planets that Kepler is finding shows that nature can indeed form planets in close binary systems. Kepler-47 shows that more than one planet can form.

FLATOW: Yeah. 1-800-989-8255. Lets go to Daryl in Lake Worth, Florida. Hi, Daryl.

DARYL: Hi. I read that 47c, the outer of the planets, was about the size of Uranus but it might be in that Goldilocks zone. And I was wondering if the size of it would have an issue with the gravity and possible liquid water forming, if we have any way of figuring that out in the next half century, even?

OROSZ: So that's a good question. So we know from the size of the transits, the radius of the planet and it's, you know, roughly like Neptune or Uranus. Now, we can calculate the average temperature based from the distance from the star and other considerations and it's around the freezing point of water or maybe a little bit higher. And so if this planet had a solid surface like the Earth and had enough mass for an atmosphere, it would have liquid water. Now, so the question is, in this particular planet, what would we see?

And so based on some assumptions about the compositions and the temperature, we think, for this particular case, we might actually see water vapor clouds in the upper atmosphere. And so this planet might look a little whitish if you could get up close. With the Kepler data, of course, we can't really tell what the composition would be, and so it's going to take lots of clever engineering and other things to figure out how to do this in the next, you know, coming decades. But that's a very interesting question, you know, what atmospheres would you find in these types of planets.

FLATOW: Do you need new satellites or telescopes, orbiting telescopes or visits(ph) or things like that to get more information? Or do - what we have - kinds of stuff we're using now, is that adequate?

OROSZ: Well, we need sort of the next generation. The problem is with a planet, it doesn't give off much light at all, and so you can't see the planet next to its star. You can - if it passes in front of the star, you can see the different light. And so if you want to actually see light from the planet, that is really a tough going, because of the extreme contrast. And so you need better techniques. And NASA, you know, has some ideas in the work of - works of how to do this, which are all very complex, and I'm not sure it would work for a system the same as Kepler-47.

FLATOW: Mm-hmm. So where do you go from here?

OROSZ: Well, in the immediate future, every three months, I wait for the next data download, and I just keep looking at the binary stars, trying to find more of these systems. And for Kepler-47, in particular, we had a hint that there might have been a third planet. We saw one transit that could not have possibly been due to either the known planets. And so if that transit event was due to another planet, hopefully, it's going to repeat. So - and so every three months, I'm going to, you know, I'll be first in line to get the data and look.


OROSZ: And so by the time the Kepler mission ends, we hopefully should have, you know, five to seven years of data or...

FLATOW: Wow. Well, we wish you good luck, Jerome, and thank you for taking time to be with us.

OROSZ: Yeah. Thank you for having me.

FLATOW: Jerome Orosz is an associate professor of astronomy at San Diego State University, talking about these new binary planets.

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Google Adds Turn-by-Turn Bicycling Navigation to Maps Apps

Bicyclists have a new, hands-free way to navigate their journeys, courtesy of Google.

The search giant this week added GPS-enabled mobile biking directions and navigation for headphones connected to smartphones, and brought turn-by-turn voice-guided navigation to Google Maps Navigation beta.

U.S. and Canadian users, who already had access to biking directions in the Android Google Maps app, got an update Wednesday to include the new navigation function. The new service is being made available in 10 more countries as well.

While riding, a bicyclist can keep an eye on real-time map directions or turn on speaker mode to listen to directions, Google said.

Last month, Google launched its desktop biking directions in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K., all of which will have access to the new mobile feature.

"We know how popular cycling is in many parts of the world, so we wanted to include as much bike trail data as possible to provide efficient routes, allow riders to customize their trips, make use of bike lanes, calculate rider-friendly routes that avoid big hills and busy roads, and to customize the look of the cycling map to encourage people to hop on their bikes," Google Maps product manager Kai Hansen said in a July blog post.

Biking directions launched on the U.S. and Canadian Google Maps Android apps in 2010. Now, there are more than 330,000 miles (more than 530,000 kilometers, or just over half a gigameter, for our international readers), of green biking lines in Google Maps.

The dark green lines signify dedicated bike trails and paths, like through parks or along waterways, where motor vehicles are restricted. Light green lines show streets where bike lanes are available on streets with vehicle traffic, and dashed green lines provide a visual of other streets recommended for cycling.

Google's tools also help bicyclists avoid steep hills.

Working with members of the cycling community, and with the support of nonprofits like the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, Google has been able to add bike data for hundreds of cities and trails since it launched the bicycling option two years ago.

For more from Stephanie, follow her on Twitter @smlotPCMag.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

'Nanoresonators' might improve cell phone performance

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) ? Researchers have learned how to mass produce tiny mechanical devices that could help cell phone users avoid the nuisance of dropped calls and slow downloads. The devices are designed to ease congestion over the airwaves to improve the performance of cell phones and other portable devices.

"There is not enough radio spectrum to account for everybody's handheld portable device," said Jeffrey Rhoads, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University.

The overcrowding results in dropped calls, busy signals, degraded call quality and slower downloads. To counter the problem, industry is trying to build systems that operate with more sharply defined channels so that more of them can fit within the available bandwidth.

"To do that you need more precise filters for cell phones and other radio devices, systems that reject noise and allow signals only near a given frequency to pass," said Saeed Mohammadi, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering who is working with Rhoads, doctoral student Hossein Pajouhi and other researchers.

The Purdue team has created devices called nanoelectromechanical resonators, which contain a tiny beam of silicon that vibrates when voltage is applied. Researchers have shown that the new devices are produced with a nearly 100 percent yield, meaning nearly all of the devices created on silicon wafers were found to function properly.

"We are not inventing a new technology, we are making them using a process that's amenable to large-scale fabrication, which overcomes one of the biggest obstacles to the widespread commercial use of these devices," Rhoads said.

Findings are detailed in a research paper appearing online in the journal IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. The paper was written by doctoral students Lin Yu and Pajouhi, Rhoads, Mohammadi, and graduate student Molly Nelis.

In addition to their use as future cell phone filters, such nanoresonators also could be used for advanced chemical and biological sensors in medical and homeland-defense applications and possibly as components in computers and electronics.

The devices are created using silicon-on-insulator, or SOI, fabrication -- the same method used by industry to manufacture other electronic devices. The resonators can be readily integrated into electronic circuits and systems because SOI is compatible with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology, or CMOS, another mainstay of electronics manufacturing used to manufacture computer chips.

The resonators are in a class of devices called nanoelectromechanical systems, or NEMS.

The new device is said to be "highly tunable," which means it could enable researchers to overcome manufacturing inconsistencies that are common in nanoscale devices.

"Because of manufacturing differences, no two nanoscale devices perform the same rolling off of the assembly line," Rhoads said. "You must be able to tune them after processing, which we can do with these devices."

The heart of the device is a silicon beam attached at two ends. The beam, which vibrates in the center like a jump rope, is about two microns long and 130 nanometers wide, or about 1,000 times thinner than a human hair. Applying alternating current to the beam causes it to selectively vibrate side-to-side or up and down and also allows the beam to be finely adjusted, or tuned.

The nanoresonators were shown to control their vibration frequencies better than other resonators. The devices might replace electronic parts to achieve higher performance and lower power consumption.

"A vivid example is a tunable filter," Mohammadi said. "It is very difficult to make a good tunable filter with transistors, inductors and other electronic components, but a simple nanomechanical resonator can do the job with much better performance and at a fraction of the power."

Not only are they more efficient than their electronic counterparts, he said, but they also are more compact.

"Because the devices are tiny and the fabrication has almost a 100 percent yield, we can pack millions of these devices in a small chip if we need to," Mohammadi said. "It's too early to know exactly how these will find application in computing, but since we can make these tiny mechanical devices as easily as transistors, we should be able to mix and match them with each other and also with transistors in order to achieve specific functions. Not only can you put them side-by-side with standard computer and electronic chips, but they tend to work with near 100 percent reliability."

The new resonators could provide higher performance than previous MEMS, or microelectromechanical systems.

In sensing application, the design enables researchers to precisely measure the frequency of the vibrating beam, which changes when a particle lands on it. Analyzing this frequency change allows researchers to measure minute masses. Similar sensors are now used to research fundamental scientific questions. However, recent advances may allow for reliable sensing with portable devices, opening up a range of potential applications, Rhoads said.

Such sensors have promise in detecting and measuring constituents such as certain proteins or DNA for biological testing in liquids, gases and the air, and the NEMS might find applications in breath analyzers, industrial and food processing, national security and defense, and food and water quality monitoring.

"The smaller your system, the smaller the mass you can measure," Rhoads said. "Most of the field-deployable sensors we've seen in the past have been based on microscale technologies, so this would be hundreds or thousands of times smaller, meaning we should eventually be able to measure things that much smaller."

The work is based at the Dynamic Analysis of Micro- and Nanosystems Laboratory at the Birck Nanotechnology Center in Purdue's Discovery Park. Other faculty members and graduate students also use the specialized facility.

The researchers have filed a patent application for the concept. The research is funded by the National Science Foundation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Purdue University. The original article was written by Emil Venere.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. L. Yu, H. Pajouhi, M. Nelis, J. Rhoads, S. Mohammadi. Tunable, Dual-Gate, Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Nanoelectromechanical Resonators. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2012; : 1 DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2012.2212028

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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ESPN delivers College Football companion app to iOS and Android just in time

ESPN delivers College Football app to iOS and Android just in time

If you're a football fan, then we don't have to tell you that college football kicks off this evening. But, perhaps, you have yet to find the perfect app for your smart phone or tablet to keep you informed during the fifteen solid hours of football this Saturday. ESPN hopes that its new ESPN College Football App will be the perfect companion on game day, and all year round for that matter, by delivering up to the minute news, stats and even video clips. The app ties in with your account for easy access to your favorite teams and of course will alert you to scores and other things, like potential upsets. It'll even give you quick access to the WatchESPN app so you can check out a game on your second screen. Add in the fact that this app is free, and we don't see any reason a football fan wouldn't head to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and download it right now.

[Thanks, @bartenz]

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ESPN delivers College Football companion app to iOS and Android just in time originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 30 Aug 2012 16:14:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Samsung Series 5 Ultra Touch Ultrabook arrives October 26th, starting at $799

Samsung Series 5 Ultra Touch Ultrabook arrives October 26th, starting at $799

Remember that touchscreen Series 5 Ultrabook that Samsung showed off at Computex last June? Well, it's definitely coming to the US and will be available October 26th, the same day Windows 8 formally launches. As we noted in our hands-on, this is basically the same Series 5 we reviewed earlier this year, except the touchscreen adds some heft (it now weighs 3.83 pounds, versus 3.24 for the non-touch version). As for specs, you're looking at just two configurations, both of which have 4GB of RAM, a 13-inch (1,366 x 768) display and a 500GB hard drive with 24GB of ExpressCache. The only difference is that the entry-level $799 model has a Core i3 processor, while the $899 version steps up to i5.

If that all sounds rather humdrum, Samsung is attempting to spice up Windows 8 by bundling custom apps, some of which you might remember from its various Android products. Sammy's various "Hubs" (Music, Video, Media and Social) are all present and accounted for, as is the AllShare app, which uses DLNA to share content across different devices. Additionally, Samsung is including a handful of desktop applications designed to soften the learning curve for people new to Windows 8. For instance, S-Launcher is a desktop widget that replicates the now-extinct Start Menu, live search and all. eSettings, meanwhile, is a centralized options menu for folks who might not know where to find power management or display settings in Win 8. If you follow on below, you'll find a short video walk-through of some of these apps (Sammy didn't demo AllShare or the Hubs for us, sadly), and we've also got fresh hands-on shots to complement the ones we took back in June.

Continue reading Samsung Series 5 Ultra Touch Ultrabook arrives October 26th, starting at $799

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Samsung Series 5 Ultra Touch Ultrabook arrives October 26th, starting at $799 originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 29 Aug 2012 13:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New jury instructions explicit: No Facebook

4 hrs.

While judges have always admonished jurors not to?blab during a trial and deliberations, some people can't keep their mouths shut. The growth of social media like?Facebook and?Twitter have proven?too tempting for some jurors, ?so a new set of guidelines for jurors in federal cases aims?to make it crystal clear: Stay off the stuff.

In a new set of?jury instructions?issued by a Federal Judicial Conference committee, jurors will be told by the judge:

I know that many of you use cell phones, BlackBerrys, the Internet and other tools of technology. You also must not talk to anyone at any time about this case or use these tools to communicate electronically with anyone about the case. This includes your family and friends. You may not communicate with anyone about the case on your cell phone, through e-mail, BlackBerry, iPhone, text messaging, or on Twitter, through any blog or website, including Facebook, Google+, My Space, LinkedIn, or YouTube. You may not use any similar technology of social media, even if I have not specifically mentioned it here.

And, the judge will add: ?"I expect you will inform me as soon as you become aware of another juror?s violation of these instructions."

That's how many?judges have learned?about?such missteps. The conference surveyed judges last fall about jurors' use of social media during trials and deliberations, and found that when "social media use was detected, it was most likely to be reported by a fellow juror."

"This social media use most often took the form of posts about the progress of the case or the juror?s service in general," according to the?study. "There were several instances of jurors attempting to contact participants in the case via social media.

Indeed. In Florida earlier this year, a 29-year-old juror who?sent a Facebook message to a defendant during a trial, then bragged on the social network about being kicked off the jury, is now himself in hot water ? and in jail for contempt of court. In Britain last year, a 40-year-old juror admitted she used Facebook to?contact?the defendant in a case because she saw "considerable parallels" between their lives.

U.S. District Court Judge Julie A. Robinson, chairwoman of the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management, which issued the new guidelines, said in a statement?that while "the overwhelming majority of judges take steps to warn jurors not to use social media during trial," the judges who were surveyed said that "additional steps should be taken."

"The judges recommended that jurors frequently be reminded about the prohibition on social media before the trial, at the close of a case, at the end of each day before jurors return home, and other times, as appropriate. Jurors should be told why refraining from use of social media promotes a fair trial. Finally, jurors should know the consequences of violations during trial, such as mistrial and wasted time. Those recommendations are now part of the guidelines."

? Via Network?World

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on?Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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VERY long, sorry, long term relationship with no - Talk About Marriage


Sorry this is long, but needed to get all the details in? The below covers from 1999 to 2012 I am 39 male shes 36 female (as of 2012)

As i am sure she isn?t a "normal" woman with a "sex" drive, i want to get the view on this before i start plotting or planning there might be something wrong (her sister is lesbian)

We have been together since 1999 (we are both from the UK, where we met), her parents moved to Canada (originally from the UK), she married a guy to get out of Canada and back to the UK as hated Canada, he used her for money (she earned he spent) she wanted a child, she miscarried then was depressed, got in to Cats (still has her first cat) now 14 years on).

She was depressed, was drinking, then i came along to "help" her, sex was never on the cards, not to say we didn?t play, but we never actually did sex, we were both mid 20's then. I am biased towards Asperger?s Syndrome so social skills don?t really exist.

Due to my upbringing with parents being highly religious that put sex on the back burner, however she was getting back on her feet (drinking above), moved homes, i helped her, would be over her house every day almost, she didn?t really have any friends in the UK (as schooled in Canada from 12, she left there at 18). I am sure she is also partial Asperger?s syndrome to a point (after doing some tests online).

She was very protective at those times, as i worked in nightclubs as a lighting engineer she would get very upset if i got home past 2am (assuming i would see others), she would ask for sex sometimes (as I find out she still wanted a child) it appears out of need rather than ?wanted? to do sex. When we played after first meeting she would say she doesn?t feel anything sexual in her boobs when played with

I collapsed 2005, fractured my skull which altered my personally abit, my parents died 3 months later, then she has a stroke (work stress) a year later which did damage her brain slightly.

We both decided to move (to Canada as her parents where hear (we are still here) as nothing is in the UK for us, this took from 2005 to 2009 to move, a lot of stress. 2008 she asked me to marry her (leap year), I said yes, which shocked her, we set a date of 2012 (see below why)

She really liked the idea of moving to Canada as her school friends are here, this is where the problem (which I am sure has always been there) started to show.

Now we are here, a lot of stress as living with parents, there was one female friend who she always talked to from the UK on the phone, facebook etc.. she gets here and will be out with her a lot, I got on with her husband (we went to the wedding early 2000?s. we flew over to Canada from the UK).

Her friend was very controlling, and as it turns out she didn?t really want to be married anymore (she had 2 kids), however this meant she was spending alto of time with her friend.

It came to a head when her friend and husband collected my partner (and deliberately didn?t collect me) and went away for a weekend to her friends parents, I went nuts over this. She said she didn?t feel comfortable about the whole thing, we got phones and agreed if this happened again we could contact (she was almost kidnapped to a point as it was a good 4 hour drive), her friend used her as a baby sitter it appears.

After she tells work colleges who agree that was very out of order of her friend to do she agrees to drop her friend, which she wasn?t happy about as she knew her from school.

Then I pointed out, she was more in a relationship with her friend than me, neither of us did sex with her, but she chooses to be with her friend almost all the time. This shocked her abit then realised it, work colleges agreed her friend was way out of line for taking her and not me. Shes never seen her again (she wasn?t happy about it), ive not checked to see if ANY contact has been made, however from what I hear on facebook it appears not, as her friend then put all her friends against her making her out to be the bad one.

I really believe she has never spoken to her again.

We now have our own place, and now as I can relax abit (in a new country etc..) I am now able to think more about sex, she just isn?t interested in sex (at least she says).

We have done sex twice (since we have been in Canada, about 3 months apart), it seems she didn?t enjoy it, the last time she ?says? she had pain for 3 days, her statement doesn?t agree with the noises she was making, ive done sex before, she was actking like she very much enjoyed it (from what I can tell). She seemed to use ?excuses? like we need our own place, we have our own place and it still hasn?t happened

Whenever I say things like ?you look very attractive? I get ?flattery will get you nowhere?, or ?you look sexy? she will say ?in your dreams?.

Now this is started to grate on me, not once has she ever said I look sexy or nice, never through any of the relationship (well ok, maybe ONCE)? so this leads me to believe this is really a convenience thing, she earns a lot of money and so do it.

However she has openly said ?why can?t we marry as friends? which for me I have said I will not marry if you don?t want sex.

She sort of assumed I would do sex with her, which she was shocked when I said ?I will not do sex unless you WANT sex? this was a first for her.

So, is this a case of abused around 18 (bad first relationship which she was married and was devoiced about 3 years later) a miscarriage then having cats like her kids (she admits to this), she gives them way more attention than me (have 3, one is orginal, the other had 9 years).

She doesn?t like me touching her sexually at all, she will hit my hand if I go near her boobs?.. I am at a loss here, she wont seek help as she says ?there?s no sex problem?, evidently not for her, however for me there is, she just isn?t interested. I have said this, which was met with ?I have made a lot of sacrifices for this, are you not happy? which I answer, ?not fully no?, then it sort of gets swept under the carpet.

I think these sacrifices will be, no child, resorted to no sex (early life problems), getting rid of her friend etc?.

She has said (as you can see above) she isn?t interested in sex, so is it possible someone can want to stay in a ?friends who don?t do sex? relationship and expect that to remain the case.

I will add we talked about moving to Canada once here, I had A LOT of problems, I sold my car to move (I loved my car), brought my 3 motorbikes which I cant ride here as insurance is 8 times more expensive than the UK, I had no car for 3 years (just replaced my car I sold in the UK, this is now 4 years later), not to happy as the house isn?t really liveable (no hot water since we moved in, and still none, was super cheap power of sale). Its more a fixer than a living house

She has said she is super happy here, she has said she didn?t want to tell me If I wasn?t happy I can move as she didn?t want to lose me, however seemed to be happy to let me go if I decided to move back to the UK.

This sounds like she just doesn?t ?need? a relationship! Your input would be good?

I will add, if I split up, I will likely not find someone else (above Asperger?s Syndrome puts stop to that), so it looks to be destined to not find sex, I haven?t done sex much at all (nearly 40 now)? maybe done it 10 times in my whole life?.

I look forward to some advice / comments, I don?t expect a fix, rather some outside input?


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Nutrition tied to improved sperm DNA quality in older men: Healthy micronutrient intake linked to reduced DNA fragmentation

ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) ? A new study led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) found that a healthy intake of micronutrients is strongly associated with improved sperm DNA quality in older men. In younger men, however, a higher intake of micronutrients didn't improve their sperm DNA.

In an analysis of 80 healthy male volunteers between 22 and 80 years of age, the scientists found that men older than 44 who consumed the most vitamin C had 20 percent less sperm DNA damage compared to men older than 44 who consumed the least vitamin C. The same was true for vitamin E, zinc, and folate.

"It appears that consuming more micronutrients such as vitamin C, E, folate and zinc helps turn back the clock for older men. We found that men 44 and older who consumed at least the recommended dietary allowance of certain micronutrients had sperm with a similar amount of DNA damage as the sperm of younger men," says Andy Wyrobek of Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division.

"This means that men who are at increased risk of sperm DNA damage because of advancing age can do something about it. They can make sure they get enough vitamins and micronutrients in their diets or through supplements," adds Wyrobek.

Wyrobek conducted the research with a team of researchers that includes Brenda Eskenazi of the University of California at Berkeley's School of Public Health and scientists from the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom. They report their findings in the August 27 online issue of the journal Fertility and Sterility.

Their research comes as more men over 35 have children, which raises public health concerns. Previous research conducted in Wyrobek's lab found that the older a man is, the more he's likely to have increased sperm DNA fragmentation, chromosomal rearrangements, and DNA strand damage. Older men are also more likely to have increased frequencies of sperm carrying certain gene mutations, such as those leading to dwarfism. These findings help explain why aging men are less fertile and are predicted to have more chromosomally defective pregnancies and a higher proportion of offspring with genetic defects.

But until now, researchers haven't understood whether diet can protect against the detrimental effects of aging on the sperm genome.

The scientists studied a group of about 80 men between 20 and 80 years old with an average age of 44. They were recruited several years ago as part of the California Age and Genetic Effects on Sperm Study when Wyrobek was at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Each man who participated in the study filled out a 100-item questionnaire that estimated their average daily vitamin intake, both from food and supplements.

In addition, their sperm DNA quality was assessed via a lab analysis in which a voltage gradient pulls broken DNA strands from intact strands within the sperm nucleus.

Each volunteer's intake of a micronutrient was classified as low, moderate, or high based on how they compared to other participants. The median daily intake, both from diet and supplements, was 162 milligrams for vitamin C, 23.7 milligrams for vitamin E, 2,586 micrograms for ?-carotene, 475 grams for folate, and 12.3 milligrams for zinc. Many participants, even those who reported to be healthy, consumed much less than the recommended dietary allowance for many of the micronutrients.

The scientists analyzed the data several ways and came up with the same result each time: A diet high in antioxidants and micronutrients may decrease the risk of producing sperm with DNA damage, especially in older men.

Why this is so isn't a mystery. Antioxidants scavenge reactive molecules that cause oxidative damage to cells. Studies have shown that dietary supplementation with antioxidants and increased consumption of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can decrease the amount of oxidative DNA damage.

Based on their results, the scientists believe this same protective mechanism may also be at work in the reproductive tract of older men.

"The different response of the old and young men presents new opportunities for health care, especially for older men planning families," says Wyrobek.

More research is needed, however. Although the scientists found a clear link between higher vitamin intake and improved sperm DNA quality in older men, they don't know whether this link extends to male fertility and the health of offspring.

"Our research points to a need for future studies to determine whether increased antioxidant intake in older fathers will improve fertility, reduce risks of genetically defective pregnancies, and result in healthier children," says Wyrobek. "The research also raises a broader question beyond sperm DNA: How might lifestyle factors, including higher intakes of antioxidants and micronutrients, protect somatic as well as germ cells against age-related genomic damage?"

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Thomas E. Schmid, Brenda Eskenazi, Francesco Marchetti, Suzanne Young, Rosana H. Weldon, Adolf Baumgartner, Diana Anderson, Andrew J. Wyrobek. Micronutrients intake is associated?with improved sperm DNA quality in?older men. Fertility and Sterility, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.07.1126

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

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    Towards More Reliable B2B Sales Forecasting And A Better ...

    Not All Sales Qualification Is Equal (The Harsh Reality)

    Why do so many B2B sales forecasts bear a closer resemblance to great works of fiction than to reality? Why do "top opportunities" regularly slip and slide from month to month and then often disappear altogether? Erratic sales forecasting is a joint symptom of superficial qualification and an inadequate business to business sales strategy resulting in a failure to get close enough to the key influencers or decision makers that can actually make things happen.

    The more business critical the solution or service being offered, the more complex the sales forecasting challenge as people making or influencing the choice of supplier will have more to lose if a bad decision is made. There are however proven ways to progress towards more reliable sales forecasts and the good news is that in doing so you will develop a stronger sales strategy that will serve to improve sales performance over time.

    Eliminate Superficial Sales Qualification to Improve Sales Performance

    What many salespeople refer to as qualification is nothing more than a superficial attempt to garner some information which is perhaps more self-serving than it is customer focussed. Is it any wonder that senior influencers and decision makers might see little value in engaging with them? What value do such salespeople really add for the busy executive with a significant business challenge to overcome and perhaps a business case to build in support of addressing it?

    Too many salespeople assail prospects and customers with their own objectives (targets, pressure from boss, commission payments, etc.) foremost in their minds and then talk too much! The need to qualify an opportunity fully is often over-ridden by a salesperson's strong desire to "lay out their stall". Presenting, proposing and demonstrating often come more easily to them than intelligent questioning and listening. Carefully selected sales coaching can help salespeople engage in an intelligent "probe and listen" mode that builds bridges rather than barriers.

    Multi-layer sales qualification is key to winning strategic clients, getting inside their heads to understand their thinking and gaining mind-share in an often politically complex environment. Superficial qualification is a sign of a weak business to business sales strategy and approach and is at the root of the issues that plague sales forecasting reliability whilst defying attempts to improve sales performance. All is not lost however as many salespeople can up their game provided they have the right coaching and guidance on effective strategies for complex sales scenarios.

    Getting close to the "powerbase" (key influencers and decision makers) is crucial for business to business sales of a value-add or business critical nature. These people are making vendor selection decisions on which their careers may depend. They look for potential suppliers that support and contribute to their business case rather than those that seek to pitch and shoehorn the prospects problem into whatever solution they may have to sell. Professional salespeople tend to engage "top-down" and qualify deeply to simultaneously build their knowledge and credibility at senior level. These behaviours support more reliable sales forecasting and perhaps more importantly their consistent application can significantly help to improve sales performance over time.

    The Foundations for An Effective Sales Forecast Dashboard

    Trying to drive sales opportunities from the top-level forecast down is a common and seriously flawed approach. Sales forecasts should be a dashboard, but they will never be effective in isolation. The foundations for reliable sales forecasting are good account planning combined with deep qualification, ability to engage and converse at senior level and adept negotiation skills. Sales opportunities should be driven from these solid foundations upwards. Effective sales coaching can help salespeople win client mind-share to drive more consistent sales performance and thus more reliable forecasting.

    The account planning required to underpin more reliable sales forecasting needs to take a realistic up to date read on each major sales opportunity, highlighting vulnerabilities and exposures to be addressed to secure your company's position. Any account plan is only as good as the level of intelligence and credibility gained through qualification and senior engagement. It's important that salespeople are constructively challenged on a regular basis to ensure that they consistently work to develop quality "trusted advisor" business relationships that put them more in control of the sale. There are significant benefits to using an external facilitator for these account reviews.

    Salespeople tend to be naturally optimistic and this often works against them when it comes to pragmatically determining where they are with any given sales opportunity. Too often they may hope for the best, failing to qualify deeply enough. It's important that they learn to ask the hard questions early on as genuine prospects are likely to respect them for it, whilst those with a hidden agenda may well get irritated (often a good acid test). The true value of multi-layered sales qualification lies in its ability to establish early on whether an opportunity is real or not and what is needed to move towards deal closure. Approached with the right mind-set, multi-level sales qualification is an effective tool to establish senior level credibility and build trusted advisor relationships.

    A Note on CRM:

    Beware the flawed belief that CRM is the answer. Whilst it may provide easier data retrieval, filtering, management reporting, etc., a CRM system is only ever as good as the data it contains. If the sales qualification and business to business sales strategy are lacking then so will the CRM system be. For sales forecasting software or CRM to be effective, they must sit on the foundations of good account planning and effective sales strategy and approach and this is where the primary focus should be.

    And the Bottom Line on Reliable B2B Sales Forecasting Methods....

    Too often what prospects get is an eager salesperson pushing their wares rather than taking time to fully understand their needs. Fix this and more reliable forecasting becomes possible (along with increased actual sales). Fail to address it and even the best sales forecasting methods won't help you. The business reality is that intelligent prospects and customers do not want to be sold to; they want "contributor providers" or trusted advisors that will bring them solutions to the business pain they are suffering ("the pain behind the project spend").

    Of course sales forecasting accuracy can never be 100% as there will always be factors beyond a salesperson's control - spending freeze due to merger or acquisition, abrupt disappearance of a key player, etc. However it can be greatly improved across the sales team with the aid of consistent and pragmatic sales coaching from someone with the relevant actual experience.

    My views may sound slightly harsh at times, especially to some hardworking salespeople. However this is the reality as I see it after ten years as a successful sales individual followed by another ten years leading B2B sales teams selling business critical solutions and services at CXO level across Europe. The good news is that significant improvement is possible in many cases, the bad news is that not all salespeople have the calibre to make the grade. Effective sales coaching can identify those worth investment and those whose development is unlikely to yield sufficient return on that investment.

    More sales and business articles by Harry Hayden

    About the Author

    Harry Hayden provides sales management training and sales coaching. In his previous career he led multinational sales groups across Europe for several large and medium sized corporates. He now helps SME business leaders and sales managers with the development and execution of their sales management strategy.


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    Taiwan braces for return of Typhoon Tembin

    Taiwan warned Sunday that Typhoon Tembin was likely to return as people struggled to clear mud-filled homes after the storm pounded the south of the island with the heaviest rains in more than a century.

    The storm appeared to be heading back towards Pingtung county where people were still reeling from the flooding sparked by Tembin when it swept across the southern tip of the island Friday.

    Tembin weakened to a tropical storm after moving out to sea the same day but the Central Weather Bureau said it had intensified into a typhoon again Sunday.

    "Tembin regained strength and became a typhoon again early this morning. It was moving east-southeasterly," the bureau said.

    Although the typhoon was still hundreds of kilometres (miles) from the island, the bureau predicted downpours in the south and southeast and called on people there to take precautions.

    On its current track, Tembin was forecast to make landfall again in Pingtung Tuesday morning and move northward off the east coast.

    "The clean-up has yet been finished even though we've kept working the past three days. And now I heard the typhoon is coming back," the owner of a shop in Hengchun township, told the Sanli cable news network.

    "This typhoon has destroyed much of my hard work over the past 20 years," he said, visibly upset, while other members of the family used mops to remove thick mud from the floor.

    The storm's unusual movement was affected by Typhoon Bolaven which struck Japan's Okinawa on Sunday, about 800 kilometres (500 miles) east of Taiwan.

    Tembin forced more than 8,000 people to evacuate their homes islandwide when the most torrential rain in more than a century struck Pingtung county.

    Weather bureau data indicated Pingtung has received 724 millimetres (29 inches) of rain since Wednesday, while the township of Hengchun saw more than 600 millimetres of rainfall on Friday alone.

    The defence ministry mobilised more than 2,000 soldiers to help people in that area clean up their homes.

    Damage to the agriculture sector totalled Tw$168 million ($5.6 million), according to the Council of Agriculture Affairs.

    As of 0930 GMT, Typhoon Tembin was around 400 kilometres southwest of the main southern city of Kaohsiung.

    With a radius of 180 kilometres, the typhoon was packing gusts of up to 126 kilometres per hour and moving east-southeast at five kph.


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    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Aaron Levie of Box Always on Fast-Forward - Disruptions - NYTimes ...

    LOS ALTOS, Calif. ? It?s about 20 minutes into my lunch interview with Aaron Levie, co-founder of Box, at the headquarters of the online data storage company, and he still doesn?t have any food.

    ?Are you eating?? I ask, awkwardly swirling Thai noodles onto my fork.

    Like someone swerving out of the way of oncoming traffic, he abruptly shifts from a lengthy ramble on the short history of cloud computing and responds: ?For your own sake, I?m not going to eat. I speak too quickly, and my food would be splattered all over the table.?

    Mr. Levie, 27, the chief executive of Box, always operates on fast forward. He talks quickly. Walks quickly. Thinks quickly.

    Even his clothing displays a need for speed. Mr. Levie doesn?t own a single pair of dress shoes. Instead, he opts for Asics or Puma sneakers with bright orange or pink laces, which he wears daily with a dark suit. ?Sneakers help me walk faster,? he says. ?Plus, it reminds me that we?re fighting for the end user ? the consumer ? because they wear sneakers, too!?

    His career and his start-up have also grown at warp speed.

    Just seven years ago, while attending the University of Southern California?s Marshall School of Business, Mr. Levie founded Box from his dorm room with Dylan Smith. Mr. Levie programmed the site, and Mr. Smith, who is now the company?s chief financial officer, played online poker to finance the business. (Until recently, the company was known as

    The founders learned to identify the 3 percent of people who were ?terrible poker players? and beat them, Mr. Levie said. ?If you played against eight screens at a time, it basically just becomes statistical.?

    After a brief stint in Seattle, Box moved to Oakland and operated out of a garage belonging to Mr. Levie?s uncle. For seven months, a small group of programmers lived and worked there among pizza crusts and Coca-Cola cans.

    Now, Box is one of the fastest-growing companies in Silicon Valley. It has more than 500 employees and supplies cloud storage services to more than 11 million people and 125,000 businesses. It has raised $200 million from notable investors, including the Texas billionaire Mark Cuban, SAP Ventures and Draper Fisher Jurvetson. And revenue has more than doubled every year since Box was founded in 2005, although the company does not disclose the amount.

    Sean Andersen, director of interactive services at Six Flags Entertainment, said he chose Box because of its ability to adapt for businesses. ?I first met Aaron at a trade show, and at the time, he was literally having two conversations at once,? Mr. Andersen said. ?They have this iteration cycle where they are changing and improving their product at a much faster scale than others.?

    Mr. Levie talks about his business the way an ardent ?Star Trek? fan explains his favorite episode. As he sees it, enterprise computing, or software sold to companies, is at a pivotal moment as businesses move from clunky, in-house systems to Web-based ones operating in the cloud.

    ?If you think about the market that we?re in, and more broadly just the enterprise software market, the kind of transition that?s happening right now from legacy systems to the cloud is literally, by definition, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,? he says. ?This is probably going to happen at a larger scale than any other technology transition we?ve seen in the enterprise. Larger than client servers. Larger than mainframes.?

    The business potential, he adds, seems limitless: ?We think we are just 1 percent into that transition.?

    To Mr. Levie, mobile is the biggest driver of change. Before, legacy systems used to be connected to Windows computers, and people printed out most of their documents. Now, printers are giving way to iPhones and iPads, all of which are connected to the cloud.

    ?All of a sudden, if you think about the entire ecosystem of connected devices that can pull down information, access content and allow me to share and work and communicate, the vast majority now are not Windows computers,? he says. ?They are iPhones. They are iPads. They are Android devices. Mobile is the catalyst that can actually re-evaluate and re-engineer your entire I.T. strategy.?

    This is where he expects most of his company?s growth to come. As chief information officers of Fortune 500 companies continue to switch from mainframes and allow employees to work remotely from mobile devices, including tablets and laptops, the cloud and services like Box will become all the more important.

    While Mr. Levie runs a multimillion-dollar business and oversees hundreds of employees, he is still a 20-something tech geek. In Silicon Valley, where he is often described as the son of the mad professor from ?Back to the Future,? he arrives at the office around noon and works until 3 a.m. After work, he goes home and plays video games to ?wind down.?

    The company?s headquarters are infused with his youthful energy. A bright yellow slide spirals from the second floor to the lobby. Swings hang from the ceiling of meeting areas. Hundreds of stuffed unicorns litter the office, sitting on chairs, above computer monitors and abandoned in the hallway.

    All of this, Mr. Levie says, helps employees remember that they are fighting for the consumer. He believes this philosophy separates Box from its competitors.

    ?This is the thing that we think will always keep us competitive with enterprise incumbents,? he says, noting that traditional enterprise software is often clunky and confusing. He says Box tries to ?fight the man? by making software from a consumer standpoint so it can easily be downloaded to any device and remain secure.

    I reminded him that technically, he is ?the man.? As if momentarily placing a finger on a spinning record, he pauses for a millisecond, looks up and says, ?Oh, yeah,? before turning down a new street in his mind to explain the importance of security in cloud software.

    But ?the man? is different in this case. Even with the colorful sneakers and boyish looks, the young chief executive stands out for his philosophy, which he demonstrates on his personal Twitter account with jokes about cloud computing and other technologies.

    In a recent post on Twitter, he wrote: ?Blogs made it hard for me to read full articles. Now tweets make blogs hard to read. Soon, I?ll only be able to consume shapes.?

    Or, taking a jab at smart guys like him: ?Start-ups are for people that wanted to run marathons, cage fight and hunt alligators, but were born with asthma.?



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    G. Edward Griffin ON HIV AIDS, Big Pharma Fraud | Diet-Fitness ...

    G. Edward Griffin ON HIV AIDS, Big Pharma Fraud

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