Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our Favorite Business iPad Apps | Kashoo

From simple mobile connectivity to cloud-based apps that manage core business disciplines, the iPad is changing the way business gets done. And here at Kashoo, we practice what we preach! Here are some of our favorite business iPad apps that we?re using every day?

Chuck / CTO: ?OmniFocus is my go-to for running my GTD system. Everything I?m doing or going to do is in there. With OS X, iPhone and iPad clients, I can see what I have to do anywhere I am. I also love Notes Plus and Keynote.

Jim / CEO: ?Soulver is a great companion app to Kashoo. I keep our monthly expenses and key performance indicators in scratch files and I can do quick ?what if?? calculations. I use GoToMeeting on the iPad to participate in our webinars. When I?m working on documents offline I use Office2 HD to connect to our Google Apps and create/edit documents.

Scott / Marketing: ?Mindjet for iPad is a cool, easy way to generate ideas, create diagrams, or simply organize thoughts.

Amrik / Small Business Evangelist: ?Hootsuite is a fantastic app for social media management. ?You can set up multiple social accounts, schedule messages to go out in the future, and keep on top of social media responses sent by multiple staff members. ?I also use Skitch to quickly annotate screenshots and drawings.

Chris / Software Engineer: ?GoodReader is a great eReader app, ideal for PDFs. ?I also use Evernote to keep my records organized.

Mark / Webmaster: 30/30 is a great business productivity app because of its easy-to-use interface. It keeps me motivated and on task. A must have for those with lots of priorities.

Sandra / ?Customer Service, Accounting Expert: Big Calculator. As an accountant by trade, I can never be without a good calculator. It even has an adding machine tape.

Geoff / Software Engineer: Skype, Dropbox and Kindle Reader are my must-haves.

Maria / Software Developer: I love the TED iPad App. Having the ability to watch these thought provoking talks on-demand on the iPad is delightful ? and a great source of motivation/inspiration.

Amer / Designer: I?m a visual person. And Cultured Code?s Things allows me to see all my tasks laid out in front of me, from picking up the dry cleaning to finalizing that all-important presentation. It allows me to categorize these tasks, add notes, deadlines, and reminders. Most importantly, it gives me the satisfaction of checking things off my to-do list. (Don?t tell anyone this, but sometimes I add items that I have already completed for the sheer satisfaction of checking them off.)

Todd Shyiak / Business Development: ?Penultimate is a great note taking app. I like to keep a running record of meetings and conversations. In the app, I have notebooks for each business development client and all of our conversations. Also a fan of Reeder, and Zite.

And of course, we?re all fans of a certain accounting app?

If you?ve got a favorite business iPad app, tweet us @KashooOnline!

Source: https://www.kashoo.com/business-insights/our-favorite-business-ipad-apps/

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Imaging Tests Up Among Advanced Cancer Patients

TUESDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) -- A new U.S. study finds that the use of diagnostic imaging tests in Medicare patients with advanced cancer has risen faster than among patients with early-stage cancer.

The costs of diagnostic imaging have increased more than the overall costs of cancer care, making diagnostic imaging the fastest-growing part of Medicare-reimbursed services, the researchers noted. Medicare is the U.S. government-funded health insurance program for people over 65 and certain other patients.

They added that cancer care costs are highest during the last year of life, but little is known about the use of high-cost imaging tests in cancer patients during their final year.

In this study, the researchers examined data on the use of CT, MRI, PET and nuclear medicine scans for Medicare patients with late-stage (stage 4) breast, colon, lung or prostate cancer between 1995 and 2006. Stage 4 cancer means the cancer has spread throughout the body.

The analysis revealed that most of the patients underwent imaging procedures during the course of their care, and that the use of imaging in late-stage cancer patients increased between 1995 and 2006.

The study was published July 30 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

The increasing use of imaging in late-stage cancer patients may be due to a lack of guidelines in this area or the use of imaging to help doctors manage symptoms, detect disease progression and assess the effects of treatment, said Dr. Yue-Yung Hu and colleagues at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and the University of Wisconsin.

While imaging often leads to appropriate measures to ease dying patients' suffering, it can also distract them from focusing on achievable end-of-life goals, cause them to spend more of their remaining time in medical care settings, and provoke anxiety, the researchers said.

Determining the most appropriate care for patients with late-stage cancer is complex, Drs. Robin Yabroff and Joan Warren, of the Health Services and Economics Branch at the U.S. National Cancer Institute, noted in an accompanying editorial.

"Physicians tend to overestimate survival for terminally ill cancer patients, which may influence their treatment and related imaging recommendations," they wrote in a journal news release. "Development of practice guidelines for advanced imaging in patients with stage IV disease, with explicit statements about the state of evidence will be critical, particularly for care outside of the window surrounding patient diagnosis."

More information

The American Cancer Society offers advice for cancer patients nearing the end of life.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/imaging-tests-among-advanced-cancer-patients-160514525.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Romney in Israel: ?I love this country?

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney pledged not to directly criticize President Obama during his overseas trip ? yet in a keynote foreign policy speech today he delivered tough, although implicit, words about Obama?s handling of Israel.

Delivering his remarks against the backdrop of Jerusalem?s Old City walls, Romney drew contrasts with Obama on a range of issues.

Where Obama had told Jewish leaders in 2009 that he sought to put ?daylight? between the U.S. and Israel, Romney said today, ?you can?t get much closer to the ideals and convictions of my own country than you do in Israel.?

Where Obama has had a contentious relationship with the Israeli prime minister, Romney referred to ?my friend Benjamin Netanyahu.?

Where Obama administration officials and campaign surrogates have warned Israel against striking Iran?s nuclear facilities, Romney pledged American support: ?We recognize Israel?s right to defend itself, and that it is right for America to stand with you.?

In recent days, the Obama administration has come under fire for refusing to recognize Jerusalem as Israel?s capital. Romney said near the top of his speech, ?It is a deeply moving experience to be in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.?

Yet the strongest criticism of the Obama administration was reserved for Romney?s concluding words, where he appeared to rebuke Obama?s oft-repeated claim that he has been a strong ally of Israel owing to his support for military assistance.

?I believe that the enduring alliance between the State of Israel and the United States of America is more than a strategic alliance: it is a force for good in the world,? Romney said. ?America?s support of Israel should make every American proud. We should not allow the inevitable complexities of modern geopolitics to obscure fundamental touchstones. No country or organization or individual should ever doubt this basic truth: A free and strong America will always stand with a free and strong Israel.?

?And standing by Israel does not mean with military and intelligence cooperation alone,? he said.

Implicitly criticizing the Obama administration?s many public clashes with and condemnations of Israel, Romney concluded: ?We cannot stand silent as those who seek to undermine Israel, voice their criticisms.? And we certainly should not join in that criticism. Diplomatic distance in public between our nations emboldens Israel?s adversaries.?

Source: http://freebeacon.com/romney-in-israel-i-love-this-country/

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MichaelDCC: Israel troops shoot dead Palestinian at checkpoint - Newsday http://t.co/eTsXSKWh

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Source: http://twitter.com/MichaelDCC/statuses/229802074492243968

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Wedding Wreath with Ribbon Roses Tutorial

RosMadeMe: Summer Wedding Wreath with Ribbon Roses Tutorial

Summer Wedding Wreath with Ribbon Roses Tutorial

When I started this today, the sun was shining and I thought any Bride would be happy with the day... but then the rains came, then the thunder and lightening, and finally, to round it off we had hail. ?The UK will certainly take the weather gold medal this weekend, if only for diversity!
One of the things I always remember about wedding is not so much the dress but the little touches, which is why this wreath is made from fabrics you might be making your bride and bridesmaid's dresses from. ?I hit my Jane Means stash of ribbons to start off this week's tutorial, so get yourself ready and let's get started:

You will need:
A polystyrene form
Half a yard / metre each of ?net, organza or sari fabric (basically a sheer weave fine fabric)
Rotary cutter with pinking wheel and cutting mat or pinking shears
2/3 yards or metres of organza wired ribbon?
Household scissors
Tweezers or small pliers
2 metres of plain ribbon
Well we have made wreathes at Christmas using this technique last year but this is a little bit different as the wreath is a little more blousey.
Start by cutting out three strips, three inches wide, then cut across them at three inches to form three inch squares. I found some fabulous organza with a sparkle diamante type detail.
Using your chop stick in the centre of the square, push it into the polystyrene form.
Continue to build it up, cutting more squares as you need them, you don't need to cover every inch... walk away from the wreath and turn it round as you can become a touch anal about there being no white showing!
When you are happy that it is covered, go an make yourself a drink and take a final look.
Something like this will do :)
Now cut your ribbon, you will need lengths of about 18", use you household / kitchen scissors as you will be cutting through wire and I will personally come to your house and remove all your dressmaking scissors if I catch you blunting them on wired ribbons! ?Remember to flame the ends with your matches to seal them.

You will find fine wire running through the top and the bottom of your ribbon, gently tease the ends out of the top of the ribbon and pull carefully to start gathering the ribbon... do not tug, the wire is fine and will break...
Now from the ungathered side fold over one end, which will tuck it in when you start to roll up your rose. ?Now you could use a match to wind the ribbon around but I find it easier to wind it free hand.
?You can manipulate your flower when you have finished winding.
Twist the two wires together a few times to secure your rose, then separate them.
Place the rose on your wreath, manipulate your wire through the organza and net, to the back of the wreath and use your pliers to twist the wire to hold the rose in place. ?Tidy in the ends and cut away the excess. ?Repeat the process to add as many roses as you wish.
Now use a loop of ribbon to create your bow at the top of the wreath and pop it on the front door to show everyone where the festivities are starting from.
And there you have it, a souvenir of a very special day.

Now let's go look at the Olympian efforts that the crafters have made over at Handmade Monday... I am predicting, items in red, yellow, blue, green and possibly black... what do you reckon?

And for those who are marrying this year... just a touch of schmaltz
Have a great first week of Olympic treats!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RosMadeMe/~3/fLe9aQzRqLs/summer-wedding-wreath-with-ribbon-roses.html

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Twitter feeds fuel Jackson family feud

LOS ANGELES -- From behind the highly secretive Jackson dynasty's once-impenetrable wall, Prince and Paris Jackson appeared to be airing their family's dirty laundry this week in a typical way for a teen -- on their Twitter feeds.

Their tweets about the alleged disappearance of their grandmother, matriarch Katherine Jackson, were emotionally charged and prolific. One of Prince's posts thanking fans for their support ran far past 120 characters on TwitLonger. It's an unprecedented celebrity family squabble playing out in the digital town square.

This comes in the same week that Greek triple jumper Paraskevi Papachristou was banned from competing in the Olympics after she sent out a Tweet perceived to be racist. On Thursday, Florida State football coach Jimbo Fisher banned his players from using Twitter for the rest of the year after one of his players posted rap lyrics about killing police officers. And in the wake of Kristen Stewart's apology for her "momentary indiscretion" with married "Snow White and the Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders, "Twilight" fans have taken to Twitter to express their anger toward Stewart and their support for her longtime boyfriend and co-star, Robert Pattinson.

Twitter has ingratiated itself as a daily media fixture delivering cultural and news tidbits to an information-ravenous public, but it's increasingly finding itself in the spotlight as well. The quick-moving, instantaneous forum is often a double-edged sword for celebrities, who can bypass the tabloids and reach the masses with one uncensored click; but quick-fingered, loose-lipped tweets can do instant damage.

More frequently, celebrity Twitter feeds are being managed by wary flacks with an eye toward reining in their clients and avoiding potential missteps. The trend may be counterintuitive to the immediate, unfettered nature of Twitter, but some say it's a necessary evil.

"The great news about Twitter is celebs can talk instantaneously and directly to their fans; the bad news is, celebs can talk instantaneously and directly to their fans," says Howard Bragman, a longtime publicist and vice chairman of Reputation.com who's represented Chaz Bono and Stevie Wonder, among many others. "It's absolutely an increasing concern for us; every week we see something tweeted that's taken right down."

There's always been speculation as to whether celebrity tweets are really their own, or whether more PR-savvy handlers are tweeting for them toward some strategic promotional end. After all, 14-year-old Paris Jackson alone has more than 700,000 followers. Bragman estimates that about 80 percent of celebrities tweet for themselves these days, though as the medium becomes more of a central nerve for taste making, he says that number might be on the decline.

Source: http://www.dailycamera.com/nation-world-news/ci_21183577/twitter-feeds-fuel-jackson-family-feud?source=rss_viewed

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Best Online Cell Phone Tracker |

Mobile Affiliate want to track a mobile phone, you will need a method that is easy, reliable and low-profile enough to not be detected by owner of the mobile phone. And the best method that fits all those requirements is the software program method. Mobile affiliate network can deal with your problems.

With all the security and privacy concerns in today?s world more and more people are asking how to track cell phone text messages. When mobile phones first came out being able to send a text message was something you did as a novelty or a new curious gadget. Most people did not even begin to think that sending a smart phone message was going to be such a huge hit. And not only with the younger crowd either as more and more seniors are finding out that sending messages is not only easy but saves on monthly billed minutes too.

If you believe that, your company?s employees are cheating on you and helping in sending out relevant data to your rivals you can take the help of this excellent technology and know about their activities. The spybubble will be your guide in helping to catch that cheating person in your life who is causing so much pain and trouble. Just use you spy mobile to clear all your doubts and be sure of the person you trust so much.

Businesses these days cannot run without the express help of many different office machines. Printers, copiers, and fax machines are indispensable when it comes to running an efficient business. The Brother Company has a variety of specific office machines geared toward making your business run as smoothly as possible. The Brother Intellifax 2920 High Speed Fax Machine is one of the great products this company offers. The following information details the specifics of this machine that one can use for home or office.

The skill to manage time and utilize it more effectively is uncommon; but it is essential for the business people. Especially for those who usually need to travel more, so they use business mobile phones to be in touch with their businesses. Often it is observed that they want to use business mobiles more effectively.

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Are you lookout for an avenue that would facilitate tracking mobile phones because your partner?s behavior is becoming increasingly suspicious day-by-day?

There are several methods to listen for information that you can use sometime soon. Since most people own mobile phone devices, and because they?re happening more often like a primary phone, it can be worth your while to master to become a cellular phone spy. Private investigators and bounty hunters are able to use the strategies of any cellular phone spy so as to learn information with regards to clients and gather evidence. People can be extremely unguarded while speaking on a cell phone; it could be the best way to hone your spying skills.

Of course, the program must be placed onto compatible devices. The iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and other systems can host this technology. Employers who wonder whether their phones can host the program should refer to the provider?s online compatibility documentation. Most carriers? phones work perfectly with mobile tracking software.

As with purchases, you need to learn what you need from what you want. Answering the first question in the first paragraph might establish the need you have in mind for mobile cellphone accessories. If you are looking for longer phone use, do purchase an additional battery pack for you mobile phone. Most mobile phones have their battery sold in their distributor stores or you can always find and compare prices online.

The customer to these kinds of spy software has the good thing about online tech support team from the distributor with the computer software. Moreover, software program updates can be offered cost-free towards the person while they happen.

There are, historically, two types of GPS Tracking Software client-based and web-based.

Source: http://www.clickmyarticle.com/?p=41388

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Dwarkadelhi Blog ? Is Self Improvement A Good Idea For You ...

Previous Post: Wish To Overcome Your Competition? Use Search engine optimization &nbsp Next Post: Be Your Own Personal Fund Administrator Using These Ideas

With regards to supporting on your own reside the lifespan that you have usually wished for, you could speculate where to start, as there are so many aspects to consider when attemping to re-vamp your daily life to the greater. The tips on this page can supply you with what you ought to far better your lifestyle.

Throw the negative inside dialogue. Did you make an imprudent choice? Perhaps. Does this make you an imprudent individual that deserves an emotional whipping soon after each blunder? Definitely not. Seek out the laughter, knowledge, and knowledge that can be gleaned from one of your errors, whether they have been major or minimal.

When working on self improvement, it is very important to exercise yourself to experience a higher self esteem. Self confidence is definitely an obtained conduct you could modify. Always remember the capacity to increase your self-confidence comes from inside you. The only place to start when dealing with your self-confidence, is always to simply decide that you are going to do it. Make the decision that you might have substantial self worth and take the strength inside of.

Start to see the comedy in stuff. Lighten up and have fun when you are able. Fun is the greatest medicine for any cause not only can it alleviate stress, but it may also increase social reputation. Everyone is interested in others that happen to be enjoyable to be about so when individuals are interested in you, you can?t aid but sense on the top of the planet.

To reach your goals locate your strong factors and concentrate on developing them. Don?t be concerned too much about becoming effectively-rounded. Your robust things are what packages you apart from other folks. Build your strong ability units and you also come to be an authority. Industry experts are priceless to companies and becoming an skilled enables you to more marketable.

Process forgiveness. No one is ideal, which is simple at times instead of considering our personal faults to point out other individuals and hold grudges. A lot of things can take place to us that happen to be hard to forgive, but forgiveness was provided to us free, therefore we should definitely readily have to other people.

One of the tips for contentment is achievement. For this reason it is important for you to achieve your desired goals to become more content. This might be function associated or something out of your personal daily life, anything, work hard at it. Usually do not permit any setbacks stop you from attaining your primary goal.

While you have experienced, personal-aid strategies, while different, share many concepts. They only fluctuate in application and time. All it takes to decide between them is deciding what features in your life you want to alter, the method that you program to achieve this, and what personal goals you intend to complete.

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Posted in 19 47 minutes ago at 12:38 am. Add a comment

Source: http://blog.dwarkadelhi.com/?p=41569

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Source: http://parker11.typepad.com/blog/2012/07/dwarkadelhi-blog-is-self-improvement-a-good-idea-for-you.html

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Do You Need a Large Charcoal BBQ Grill ? Food and Drinks ...

A large charcoal grill is best for home use where a family of more than six resides. Buying a grill this size can be quite a difficult task though, as you would need to canvass the best before going ahead with the purchase. Clearly, you don?t want to buy the very first unit you see just because it?s grand. There are a lot of large grills that promise more than its capacity to cook several pounds of meat.

Charcoal grills are the favorite type of barbeque grills because of the distinct flavor it adds to the meat. With charcoal, the food receives a unique smoky flavor that slowly seeps into the meat as it simmers away. Even though the process of lighting the charcoal can be tedious, take patience as the amazing outcome will be worth the effort.

Various brands sell large charcoal grills across the country, and all are well-reputed in their own right.

Good grills come with warranties, ensuring the customer that they?re getting a product with a service. A large grill is an expensive buy, so you want to consider the length of the warranty period when buying one. Ask the sales representative if an extended warranty is possible. You should also expect that the manufacturer offers after-sales support to its consumers in the event that your grill needs some fixing.

It can be bought online and from several retail outlets. If you plan to buy online, choose an online shopping site that is trusted by many. Secure your credit card information by verifying the credibility of the site. Try to compare not just the prices, but also the customer reviews usually written alongside the product information.

Using a large grill is actually an efficient way of cooking food.

Because the grill is wide enough to carry more than 2 food items or meat, you can place vegetables beside the slabs of meat that will be served either as garnish or part of the main course.
Large grills are great for parties and for commercial use. These grills are commonly seen in barbeque competitions, fairs, and other outdoor activities where a large crowd gathers. The size of the grill gives owners the opportunity to make a profit as they can also use it for commercial use.

Cooking several items at the same time on the large charcoal grill is one advantage over small-sized grills that homeowners love. It?s a great feature that lets the whole family eat at the same time and not having to wait for their food?s turn to get cooked.

Related BBQ Grilling Articles

Source: http://www.sanadigerestaurant.com/2012/07/26/do-you-need-a-large-charcoal-bbq-grill/

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Source: http://huskeysvetlana.typepad.com/blog/2012/07/do-you-need-a-large-charcoal-bbq-grill-food-and-drinks.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Heading to the ?Big Show?

In a week I?m headed to New York City for five days for the annual BlogHer conference. You all might remember when I went to my first conference in 2008, so this is my fifth consecutive BlogHer. This year the conference is bigger than ever; 4,500 people will be attending (there were just over a thousand attending my first year).

In 2008 I was a relatively unknown blogger that only a couple of people recognized; the last two years so many people stopped me to chat that it took me an hour to walk across a room because, well, I?ve gotten to know everyone, and this might be the only time I get to give them boob-squishing hugs for a while. This year, with the addition of my work at MomCrunch, I?ve gotten to be better known as a social media expert, and that?s likely to change the tone of my interactions at BlogHer this year (in a good way; I?ve already gotten a bunch of emails from folks asking if they can meet with me to get some blogging advice).

Which is all good.

Except for one weird thing.

I?ve kind of lost my identity as a creative writer.

Don?t get me wrong; I am a complete social media and blogging geek. Having MomCrunch as both an excuse to stay on top of industry news as well as a place to write about the latest tech and social news (like today?s article about whether social based search will kill SEO ? juicy stuff, yes?) ? as well as get PAID to do so ? is one of the great joys in my life.?I?ve already had a couple of informal queries about my interest in writing an ?industry book? about social media (very, very informal). And you know, sure, if the offer was right, I might do that.

But I want to write MY book. The one I?ve had burning in my heart since that first BlogHer in 2008. The one I came back from that conference ready to write.



TIME. I?m writing this post at 11:24pm while I watch The Daily Show. I finished working around 10:38pm. I got up and started work at 9am. I had three conference calls today. This is the fourth piece of web content I?ve written today.

I?m not sure I have more words.

Where am I going to get the words?

Don?t get me wrong: I?m not complaining (not really). I?m thrilled that my work is keeping us out of financial ruin, making it possible for me to send Tori to a private school this fall (crossing my fingers for that financial aid!), as well as providing me with recognition and reward. Really, I could not be more thrilled.

In fact, in 2007 when I left my full time job, this is exactly the life I dreamed of.

But now? It?s time to start reaching for my new dream. The one that gives me enough time to be my daughter?s mother (today?s work day was interrupted, happily, by Tori helping me cook the family dinner, eating the family dinner, and playing a round of Sorry with Tori and my mom before heading upstairs to hang out together and talk before Tori fell asleep ? it?s not all work here) as well as have a couple hours a day to set aside specifically to write my book.

This book is like a stone in my mouth I can barely speak around some days. It?s fully cooked, ready to come out.

I just need time.


Again, I?ll admit these are, as we say on twitter, total #firstworldproblems, but it?s still a pain point in my life (arg ? now slipping into entrepreneurship talk from my other day job) that needs addressing. I can keep talking about it, or I can look toward a way to make a change.

That?s all I?m saying. This post is just my version of a prayer to the universe saying: I?m ready, I?m open to the possiblities, show me the way.

Thanks for reading.


Source: http://uppercasewoman.com/2012/07/25/heading-to-the-big-show/

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Scientists: Pop music too loud, all sounds same

By Chris Wickham, Reuters

LONDON -- Comforting news for anyone over the age of 35, scientists have worked out that modern pop music really is louder and does all sound the same.

Researchers in Spain used a huge archive known as the Million Song Dataset, which breaks down audio and lyrical content into data that can be crunched, to study pop songs from 1955 to 2010.

Live Poll

Do you agree that pop music is too loud, all sounds the same?

  • 188330

    I agree, music isn't what it used to be.


  • 188331

    Sounds like junk science. I love modern music!


VoteTotal Votes: 1234

A team led by artificial intelligence specialist Joan Serra at the Spanish National Research Council ran music from the last 50 years through some complex algorithms and found that pop songs have become intrinsically louder and more bland in terms of the chords, melodies and types of sound used.

"We found evidence of a progressive homogenization of the musical discourse," Serra told Reuters. "In particular, we obtained numerical indicators that the diversity of transitions between note combinations -- roughly speaking chords plus melodies?-- has consistently diminished in the last 50 years."

The song remains the same on mix of modern pop music

They also found the so-called timbre palette has become poorer. The same note played at the same volume on, say, a piano and a guitar is said to have a different timbre, so the researchers found modern pop has a more limited variety of sounds.

Intrinsic loudness is the volume baked into a song when it is recorded, which can make it sound louder than others even at the same volume setting on an amplifier.

The music industry has long been accused of ramping up the volume at which songs are recorded in a 'loudness war' but Serra says this is the first time it has been properly measured using a large database.

The study, which appears in the journal Scientific Reports, offers a handy recipe for musicians in a creative drought.

Old tunes re-recorded with increased loudness, simpler chord progressions and different instruments could sound new and fashionable. The Rolling Stones in their 50th anniversary year should take note.

More music news:

Source: http://entertainment.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/26/12973700-researchers-find-pop-music-is-too-loud-and-all-sounds-the-same?lite

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Holland, Rangers post 5-3 victory over Red Sox

Texas Rangers starting pitcher Derek Holland (45) throws during the frist inning of a baseball game against the Boston Red Sox, Wednesday, July 25, 2012, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Texas Rangers starting pitcher Derek Holland (45) throws during the frist inning of a baseball game against the Boston Red Sox, Wednesday, July 25, 2012, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Boston Red Sox's Jacoby Ellsbury, left, dives back to first base against the pickoff throw to Texas Rangers first baseman Michael Young, front right, during the first inning of a baseball game on Wednesday, July 25, 2012, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Boston Red Sox's Pedro Ciriaco (77) slides into second base during the double play against Texas Rangers second baseman Ian Kinsler, left, during the first inning of a baseball game on Wednesday, July 25, 2012, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

(AP) ? Derek Holland is intent on making up for the time he missed on the mound for the Texas Rangers, who keep winning series at home.

The left-hander certainly seems to be getting back into form after missing a month because of shoulder fatigue brought on when he lost about 15 pounds when he had a stomach virus.

Holland retired 20 of 22 batters over one stretch Wednesday night and struck out seven in 7 2-3 innings, and the Rangers scored the go-ahead run after a couple of wild throws by Josh Beckett in a 5-3 victory over the Boston Red Sox.

"I'm trying to do everything I can to step up and get those innings back, that I had lost in the month off," Holland said. "I put the pressure on myself. Obviously everybody else wants me to step things up, but I feel like I'm kind of doing it on my own."

The Rangers took two of three against Boston to win their seventh consecutive series at home. It came during a three-day span when they found out right-hander Colby Lewis was done for the season with a torn flexor tendon and Roy Oswalt skipped his scheduled start because of back stiffness.

In his fourth start since coming off the DL, Holland (7-5) allowed three runs and five hits with one walk.

"We needed exactly what he gave us," manager Ron Washington said. "He competed. He gave up two home runs, but he didn't let it affect him and kept getting after it."

Elvis Andrus was hit on the left forearm by a pitch to reach with one out in the seventh. He got to third on a single by Adrian Beltre and scored to break a 3-all tie when Beckett (5-9) threw a wild pitch that bounced several feet wide of the plate.

"Josh gave us a zero in the first inning, as promised, and pitched a good game," Boston manager Bobby Valentine said. "Nobody on in the seventh, then a wild pitch to score a go-ahead run. ... It's a damn shame."

Beltre was back in the lineup a day after being hit by a pitch thrown by Vicente Padilla that knocked off his helmet and sent him to the ground. Beltre, who insisted again before Wednesday's game that he didn't think that 0-2 pitch was purposely thrown at him, had a bruise but no concussion.

In what may have been a bit of retaliation with two outs in the first, Red Sox cleanup hitter Adrian Gonzalez was hit in the buttocks by a pitch. Home plate umpire Tim Tschida, the crew chief, pointed Gonzalez to first base and didn't issue any warnings.

There were no further issues, and it was clear by Beckett's reaction when he hit Andrus in the seventh that it was just a pitch that got away.

While retiring 20 of 22 batters, Holland gave up solo homers to Will Middlebrooks and Dustin Pedroia. He struck out the side in the seventh. The impressive stretch ended when Pedro Ciriaco had a two-out single in the eighth with Pedroia on deck.

Mike Adams retired Pedroia on a running catch by left fielder David Murphy. Joe Nathan worked a perfect ninth for his 20th save in 21 chances a day after allowing consecutive two-out walks and then giving up a run in a 2-1 loss to the Red Sox.

Beckett, who allowed nine hits and walked two in his seven innings, never appeared in the clubhouse when it was open to reporters after the game.

Jacoby Ellsbury drew a walk to start the game and eventually scored when Pedroia grounded into a double play.

Holland began his impressive streak after Middlebrooks led off the second with a single. Middlebrooks hit his 12th homer in the fourth, and Pedroia went deep in the sixth.

The Rangers scored three times in the fourth, when they got started with doubles by Michael Young and Murphy. It was Young's first extra-base hit in 11 games since the All-Star break, and Murphy's first RBI since June 28.

Murphy scored on Craig Gentry's perfectly executed suicide squeeze bunt to tie the game at 2. Ian Kinsler followed with an RBI bloop single that dropped after glancing off the heel of sliding right fielder Cody Ross' glove.

"We did some good execution," Washington said. "So it worked out for us."

Notes: Cruz was mired in a 5-for-33 slump with 11 strikeouts over 10 games before leading off the eight with a homer off Red Sox reliever Matt Albers. ... Cruz also had an impressive defensive play in the fourth when he reached back while sliding to catch Ross' flyball near the right-field line. ...Holland has allowed 16 homers this season. ... Both teams are off Thursday. The Red Sox then open a weekend series at the New York Yankees. The Rangers, who have won seven consecutive home series, stay home for a three-game set vs. the Chicago White Sox.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-07-25-Red%20Sox-Rangers/id-88dc4435fa4d431badfd3c87e56b3753

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Report: Suspect described killings in package

Mourners hold onto each other as they depart a memorial service for Gordon Cowden Wednesday, July 25, 2012 in Denver. Cowden was one of 12 people killed, and over 50 wounded in a shooting attack early Friday at the packed theater during a showing of the Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises." Police have identified the suspected shooter as James Holmes, 24. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Mourners hold onto each other as they depart a memorial service for Gordon Cowden Wednesday, July 25, 2012 in Denver. Cowden was one of 12 people killed, and over 50 wounded in a shooting attack early Friday at the packed theater during a showing of the Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises." Police have identified the suspected shooter as James Holmes, 24. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

An unidentified member of the state of Colorado's public defenders office films a broken window of the apartment of suspected Aurora movie theater gunman James Holmes, Wednesday, July 25, 2012, in Aurora, Colo. during a visit to the building with members of the Aurora Police Dept. and others from the public defenders' office. Residents of the apartment have not yet been allowed to return to their units while the investigation continues. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

Daniel King, public defender of suspected Aurora movie theater gunman James Holmes, looks out the broken window of Holmes' apartment, Wednesday, July 25, 2012, in Aurora, Colo. during a visit with members of the Aurora Police Dept. and others from the public defenders' office. Holmes is being held on suspicion of first-degree murder, and could also face other charges stemming from last Friday's mass shooting in an Aurora movie theater that killed 12 people and injured dozens of others. Other residents of the apartment have not yet been allowed to return to their units while the investigation continues. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

(AP) ? The university once attended by a man accused of killing 12 people in a Colorado movie theater confirmed on Wednesday that it received a suspicious package two days earlier that was turned over to authorities, but it wouldn't confirm its contents or sender.

The University of Colorado, Denver said the U.S. Postal Service delivered the package to its medical campus Monday, and it was immediately investigated and turned over to authorities within hours.

Fox News' website reported that former neuroscience graduate student James Holmes sent a notebook to the university containing scribblings of stick figures being shot and a written description of an upcoming attack. The package containing it was addressed to a psychiatrist at the school, the website reported. It was unclear if Holmes, 24, had had any previous contact with the person. The neuroscience program that he withdrew from on June 10 included professors of psychiatry.

He is accused of opening fire on a theater showing the new Batman movie, killing 12 people and injuring 58.

NBC News, citing unnamed sources, reported that Holmes told investigators to look for the package and that it described killing people.

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies refused to confirm the reports to The Associated Press.

U.S. Postal Service spokesman David Rupert said the agency's inspectors have no direct knowledge of the package reportedly containing the notebook. He said no one has contacted the Postal Service for assistance in the investigation.

Citing unnamed law enforcement sources, Fox News' website reported that Holmes sent the notebook in a package that had sat unopened since July 12.

The university said the report that the package sat uninvestigated that long is inaccurate. A spokeswoman declined to comment further, citing a gag order issued by a judge in the case.

Before the gag order was issued, police said Holmes received more than 50 packages at the school and his home that apparently contained ammunition, combat gear and explosive materials that he used in the attack and to booby-trap his Aurora apartment. Holmes' apartment building remained closed on Wednesday, although his defense team stopped by for a brief visit. They left without answering reporters' questions.

Holmes was allegedly stockpiling for the attack while he studied at the school's neuroscience program. He bought a shotgun and pistol in May, authorities say. On June 7, the date he took a year-end oral exam, he bought an assault rifle. He filed paperwork to leave the program three days later and did not provide a reason, the university has said.

On June 25, he filed an application to join a private gun range in eastern Colorado, but the club's owner, hearing what he described as a "bizarre" outgoing voice mail on Holmes' cellphone recorded in a low voice with heavy-breathing, told his staff to watch out for the man. Holmes never came to the range.

Holmes grew up in California.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-07-25-Colorado%20Shooting-Suspect/id-c403f84241fe431fa9b5b277b054b230

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GRACEful Retirement: When Your Retirement Plan Depends on ...

One of my colleagues (she's an attorney married to a chef) admitted to me that her retirement plan consists solely of expected inheritances from both her and her husband's family. I was a bit taken aback, but when I've told that story to other people, they have been less shocked. And some have admitted that their parents' money figures heavily into their own retirement plans.

Maybe I'm just jealous--both of my parents are deceased. They never thought of themselves as poor, especially in their comfortable retirement. Upon our mother's death, my sister and I split the $95,000 (including the family home) estate. I'm grateful for what I got, especially since it became the down payment on my current residence. It also saved me from having to sell my first home, which has been paid off for years and which I now use as a rental. But retire on $47,500? Even with 26 more years to grow it? I think not! I wouldn't have done it then even without foreknowledge of the recession to follow. I can't imagine doing it now.

I wonder if my colleagues have read the latest issue of Money Magazine, which reports that only 14% of baby boomers' parents--down from 22% in 2005--even believe they owe their children an inheritance. Most are intent on spending the money they have acquired, some for health care and many for "good times." It's their money, and it is not up to us to begrudge our parents' use of what belongs to them.

Money Magazine advises boomers to substantially lower their expectations. While around 50% of parents do plan to leave at least $100,000 to their adult children (not exactly enough for a well-funded retirement), life may intervene. Not just market returns, but extended long-term care could make a mockery of good intentions.

For myself, I do plan to leave money for my five children. It's certainly NOT going to be enough to fund a retirement plan, but I'd like to get their retirement monies off the ground. Then again, I won't be around to direct how they spend whatever I DO leave them.

Source: http://gracefulretirement.blogspot.com/2012/07/when-your-retirement-plan-depends-on.html

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Revamp of New Orleans PD comprehensive, expensive

NEW ORLEANS (AP) ? A court-backed plan to excise corruption, discrimination and a frequent use of deadly force from the long-troubled New Orleans Police Department will last at least four years and likely cost the financially strapped city $11 million annually.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced the plan Tuesday. Holder said the agreement is the most wide-ranging in the Justice Department's history and resolves allegations that New Orleans police officers have engaged in a pattern of discriminatory and unconstitutional activity.

It comes in the form of a court-approved consent decree, an agreement the Justice Department negotiated with the city after releasing a scathing report taking the department to task on multiple fronts in March 2011. The agreement includes extensive requirements for improved training, better supervision and new technology including cameras in police cars.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for Justice Department help in reforming the department when he took office in May 2010.

"The people of this city should rest assured that together with the Department of Justice, we will fundamentally change the culture of the NOPD once and for all," said Landrieu, who estimated the cost at roughly $11 million a year over the next four to five years.

The agreement spells out a series of strict requirements for overhauling the police department's policies and procedures for use of force, training, interrogations, searches and arrests, recruitment and supervision.

"There can be no question that today's action represents a critical step forward," Holder said. "It reaffirms the Justice Department's commitment to fair and vigorous law enforcement at every level."

Landrieu and City Council President Jackie Clarkson both expressed certainty that the council will make the needed budget changes to pay for the plan, while seeking any and all available federal grants to help ease the financial sting.

"It's a priority," Clarkson said after Tuesday's news conference.

New Orleans police scandals go back decades. In the 1990s, they included the severe beating of a suspect in an officer's death, and the conviction of a police officer who arranged the murder of someone who filed a brutality complaint against him. It also saw a conviction in a separate case of a killer cop who murdered a fellow officer and two others during a restaurant robbery.

Renewed attention fell on the department after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The Justice Department's civil rights division launched a series of criminal probes focusing on police officers' actions in the storm's aftermath.

The investigations resulted in charges against 20 officers, including five convicted last year of civil rights violations in the deadly shootings of unarmed residents on a New Orleans bridge less than a week after the storm's landfall.

The officers convicted in the Danziger Bridge shootings were sentenced to prison terms of up to 65 years. Five others pleaded guilty to engaging in a cover-up plot that included a planted gun, phony witnesses and fabricated reports.

Among the agreement's provisions:

? All officers will be required to receive at least 24 hours of training on stops, searches and arrests; 40 hours of use-of-force training; and four hours of training on bias-free policing within a year of the agreement taking effect.

? All interrogations involving suspected homicides or sexual assaults will have to be recorded in their entirety on video. The department also will be required to install video cameras and location devices in all patrol cars and other vehicles within two years.

? The department will be required to restructure the system for paying officers for off-duty security details, develop a new report format for collecting data on all stops and searches and create a recruitment program to increase diversity among its officers.

? The city and Justice Department will pick a court-supervised monitor to regularly assess and report on implementation of the requirements.

? The city and police department can ask a judge to dissolve the agreement after four years, but only if they can show they have fully complied with its requirements for two years.

The Justice Department has reached similar agreements with police departments in Los Angeles, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Oakland, Calif. But the scope of the New Orleans consent decree is billed as the broadest of its kind and includes requirements that no other department has had to implement.

For instance, the agreement requires officers to respect that bystanders have a constitutional right to observe and record their conduct in public places. Its "bias-free policing" provisions, which call for creating a policy to guide officers' interactions with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender residents, also are believed to be unprecedented for a police department's consent decree.

Holder said Landrieu and Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas didn't wait for the agreement to be signed before instituting reforms.

"The problems that we have identified were many years in the making and preceded this current administration," Holder said. "They are wide-ranging and they are deeply-rooted. Sustainable reform will not occur overnight, but we can all be encouraged that it is already happening here thanks to the leadership of Mayor Landrieu, Chief Serpas and so many others."

Tuesday's announcement comes on the eve of President Barack Obama's visit to New Orleans. Obama is scheduled to deliver a speech at the National Urban League's annual conference Wednesday.

Urban League President Marc Morial is a former New Orleans mayor who saw a rare drop in violent crime amid reforms instituted by then-Chief Richard Pennington in the 1990s.

Morial applauded news of the consent decree.

"It insures that police reform is not dependent on the leadership of any single mayor or any single police chief," said Morial, who blamed his successor, former Mayor Ray Nagin, for allowing earlier reforms to die.

Mary Howell, a New Orleans attorney who has frequently represented victims of police abuse, cautioned that the consent decree will not be a permanent solution to the department's longstanding problems.

"Consent decrees have lives of their own, too, and they end at a certain point," she said. "Everything we do now needs to be geared toward the day when we no longer have that direct federal oversight."


Associated Press reporters Cain Burdeau in New Orleans and Pete Yost in Washington contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/revamp-orleans-pd-comprehensive-expensive-084318195.html

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Hundreds of Palestinians face expulsion from land

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], 'http://yhoo.it/KeQd0p', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], ' http://yhoo.it/KpUoHO', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/LqYjAX ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JUSxvi', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], 'http://bit.ly/JnoJYN', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], 'http://bit.ly/KoKiqJ', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], 'http://abcn.ws/KTE5AZ', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JD7nlD', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], 'http://bit.ly/JRPFRO', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/GV9zpj', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/white-house-stays-out-of-teen-s-killing-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120411/martinzimmermen.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/navy-jet-crashes-in-virginia-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120406/jet_ap.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/russian-grannies-win-bid-to-sing-at-eurovision-1331223625-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/a/p/us/news/editorial/1/56/156d92f2760dcd3e75bcd649a8b85fcf.jpeg', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', 'http://music.yahoo.com' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hundreds-palestinians-face-expulsion-land-120851620.html

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pentagon concludes oxygen supply behind F-22 breathing problems

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Leon Panetta approved plans to send a squadron of Lockheed Martin Corp F-22 fighter jets to Japan, a step toward lifting flight restrictions on the most advanced U.S. warplane after the Air Force ruled out that contaminants were causing some F-22 pilots to get dizzy at the controls.

Pentagon spokesman George Little announced the decision on Tuesday, noting that a detailed and lengthy Air Force analysis had concluded that symptoms of oxygen deprivation experienced by some F-22 pilots were caused by the amount of oxygen delivered to pilots, not the quality of the air.

He said the Air Force was initiating a series of actions aimed at removing current altitude and other restrictions on the F-22 over time, and would recommend resuming most long-duration flights after the F-22 squadron flew to Japan.

The Air Force stopped flying the F-22 completely for five months last year. It resumed flights in September, but in May the Pentagon imposed new restrictions on how far they could fly from airstrips and how high they could climb.

Concern about the aircraft flared again this year after two F-22 pilots told CBS's "60 Minutes" program they had stopped flying the fighter jet due to worries about safety.

Panetta "believes that pilot safety is paramount," Little said. "The gradual lifting of restrictions will enable the Air Force to resume normal F-22 operations over time while ensuring the safety of the incredible airmen who fly this critical aircraft."

Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz said the squadron of F-22s traveling to the U.S. air base in Kadena, Japan would be accompanied by a refueling tanker, that would carry an F-22 pilot on board, who "can offer advice" in case any further incidents of oxygen deprivation, or hypoxia, developed en route.

He said the tankers would follow a flight plan that meant they were never more than an hour and a half from a landing point, and the accompanying tanker would carry enough fuel to allow the planes to reach their destination at a lower altitude

"We're confident that we have managed the risk associated with continuing operations in the F-22," Schwartz said, noting that modified equipment would be available in September, and it would be tested under the most demanding conditions.

"What we have is a phased approach to removing limitations," Schwartz said. "We have to go back to the Secretary of Defense and demonstrate the results of the improvements, the tests that we've performed, and get his head nod on each sequential."

He said the risk associated with continued operations would be minimized but not wholly eliminated until the equipment modifications were in place.

Asked why the F-22s were being sent to Japan now, Schwartz said, "There's an operational requirement and the birds are ready to go." He gave no further details.

Little said the Air Force would replace a valve in flight suits that had restricted breathing at high altitude and has increased the oxygen supply to pilots by removing a charcoal air filter aimed at trapping contaminants that was actually making it harder for pilots to breathe.

"After receiving assurances that these corrective measures would minimize hypoxia-like events in the F-22, (Defense Secretary Leon Panetta) approved the Air Force planned sequence of actions to remove flight restrictions over time. This process starts today," Little told reporters.

Senator Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, and Representative Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, said the news was promising, but most safety restrictions should remain in force.

They welcomed news that the Air Force had stopped using the charcoal breathing filters that prompted the two pilots to go public about their concerns, and urged the Air Force to rescind disciplinary actions that were still pending against them.

Air Force officials have said they will afford the pilots the same protections guaranteed to government whistleblowers.

Little said the Air Force would also complete other steps designed to make the planes safer, including installation of a back-up oxygen system.

He said altitude restrictions for F-22s could be lifted as early as the fall after a revamped high-altitude garment had been tested and other improvements and studies completed.

Alison Orne, a spokeswoman for Lockheed, welcomed the news, noting that the Air Force was taking the issue very seriously and doing all it could to ensure the safety of the pilots.

Asked why the issue was not discovered earlier, Schwartz said the F-22 was a unique airplane.

"You can pull G6 Gs at 50,000 feet. Tell me what other airplane ever can do that," he said, referring to the airplane's unique ability to defy gravitational forces and execute hairpin turns at high altitudes.

Schwartz said testing of the airplane did not reveal the shortcomings that were recently discovered, underscoring the need for deep and continuous testing.

(Reporting By Missy Ryan, David Alexander and Andrea Shalal-Esa; Editing by David Brunnstrom and Andrew Hay)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pentagon-concludes-oxygen-supply-behind-f-22-breathing-223459092--finance.html

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Online Fitness Provider Wello Uses Two-Way Video Chat To Bring Personal Trainers To You

Wello-LogoWello has launched a marketplace that connects personal trainers with potential clients, using two-way video chat to enable anyone to get training sessions at their convenience. All users need is a laptop, web connection, and webcam, and they can begin scheduling and taking personal fitness classes. The startup has a wide range of exercise disciplines to choose from, including yoga, pilates, martial arts, and strength training. Once users determine what type of exercise they want to take part in, Wello can connect them with trainers who fit their personal schedule and exercise style, whether they prefer a more laid-back approach or need a drill sergeant-type personal motivator. Users can also choose between 25-, 40-, and 55-minute sessions, depending on how much time they have. Once booked, users will receive a link to log in to their one-on-one training session.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/iMYtNB7IZVA/

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Polar bear evolution tracked climate change, new DNA study suggests

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
An analysis of newly sequenced polar bear genomes is providing important clues about the species? evolution, suggesting that climate change and genetic exchange with brown bears helped create the polar bear as we know it today. The international study, led by the Pennsylvania State University and the University at Buffalo, found evidence that the size of the polar bear population fluctuated with key climatic events over the past million years, growing during periods of cooling and shrinking in warmer times. The research also suggests that while polar bears evolved into a distinct species as many as 4-5 million years ago, the animals may have interbred with brown bears until much more recently. These intimate relations may be tied to changes in the Earth?s climate, with the retreat of glaciers bringing the two species into greater contact as their ranges overlapped. As shown in this image, the nuclear genomes of bears (black outline), suggest that polar bears and brown bears diverged from one another 4 to 5 million years ago, and that occasional exchange of genes between the two species (shaded gray areas) followed. Results from maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (dotted line) indicates extinction (marked with an "X") and replacement of polar bear mitochondrial DNA around 160,000 years ago due to interbreeding between the two species. Credit: Penn State University

An analysis of newly sequenced polar bear genomes is providing important clues about the species' evolution, suggesting that climate change and genetic exchange with brown bears helped create the polar bear as we know it today. The international study, led by the Penn State University and the University at Buffalo, found evidence that the size of the polar bear population fluctuated with key climatic events over the past million years, growing during periods of cooling and shrinking in warmer times.

The research also suggests that while polar bears evolved into a distinct species as many as 4-5 million years ago, the animals may have interbred with brown bears until much more recently. These intimate relations may be tied to changes in the Earth's climate, with the retreat of glaciers bringing the two species into greater contact as their ranges overlapped, said Charlotte Lindqvist, the study's senior author and an assistant professor of biology at UB.

"Maybe we're seeing a hint that in really warm times, polar bears changed their life-style and came into contact, and indeed interbred, with brown bears," said Stephan Schuster, co-lead author, a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Penn State, and a research scientist at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

The findings will be published online in the early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on 23 July 2012. The study is the most extensive analysis to date of polar bear DNA, scientists say. The research team, representing 13 institutions in North America, Europe, Asia, and Canada, as well as Mexico's Laboratorio Nacional de Genomica para la Biodiversidad (Langebio), sequenced and analyzed the nuclear genomes of 28 different bears, with many DNA samples provided by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Norwegian Polar Institute.

"We generated a first-rate set of data, including deep sequence coverage for the entire genomes of a polar bear, three brown bears, and a black bear, plus lower coverage of 23 additional polar bears, including a 120 thousand year old individual; very few vertebrate species have such comprehensive genomic resources available," Schuster said. Using this vast amount of data, the scientists discovered that polar bears are actually an older species than previously thought -- indeed, far more ancient than suggested by a recent study that placed the species' age at 600,000 years old. That analysis looked only at small segments of DNA.

"We showed, based on a consideration of the entire DNA sequence, that earlier inferences were entirely misleading," said study co-lead author Webb Miller, a Penn State professor of biology and computer science and engineering. "Rather than polar bears splitting from brown bears a few hundred thousand years ago, we estimate that the split occurred 4-5 million years ago."

"This means polar bears definitely persisted through warming periods during Earth's history," Lindqvist said. She cautions, however, that the species' endurance over several million years doesn't guarantee its future survival. To model historical populations of the polar bear, the scientists used computer simulations to analyze a deeply sequenced polar bear genome. "This is the first time we can see, from their genes, how the population history of polar bears tracked Earth's climate history," Lindqvist said. "We see an increase in polar bears at the end of the Early Pleistocene as the Earth became much colder, and a continuous decline in the size of the population during warmer times. We also found, perhaps unsurprisingly, that polar bears occur in much smaller numbers today than during prehistory," Lindqvist continued. "They have indeed lost a lot of their past genetic diversity, and because of this, they are very likely more sensitive to climate change threats today."

Discrepancies between the estimated age of polar bears in the new study and past studies could be explained by interbreeding between polar bears and brown bears since the species split from each other.

The new analysis uncovered more genetic similarities than previously known between polar bears and ABC brown bears, an isolated group from southeastern Alaska -- suggesting that these animals have exchanged genes since becoming separate species. "The ABC brown bears' mitochondrial sequences are much more like polar bears' than like other brown bears'," Miller said. "This made us wonder what other parts of their genomes are 'polar-bear-like'. We mapped such regions, which constitute 5 to 10 percent of their total DNA, onto the genomes of two ABC brown bears. As such, brown/polar bear hybridization, which has been observed recently in Arctic Canada, has undoubtedly contributed to shaping the modern polar bear's evolutionary story."

This intermingling between species is just one interesting finding emerging from the enormous trove of data that the PNAS study produced. Another question that the research is beginning to address: What makes a polar bear a polar bear? Polar bears have genetic differences from brown bears that let them survive in an Arctic climate with very different diets, and the new study identified genes that may be responsible for traits such as polar bears' pigmentation and the high fat content of their milk.


Penn State: http://live.psu.edu

Thanks to Penn State for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/121949/Polar_bear_evolution_tracked_climate_change__new_DNA_study_suggests

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Protecting your Money Mustache from Spendy Friends | Mr. Money ...

Mr. and Mrs. Money Mustache have just returned from a very spendy night on the town. The night and the people were lots of fun. But almost equally fun was the sheer amazement and marvel I felt at just how crazy the spending habits of our modern culture are, and how they continue to drift further into the abyss of fantasyland.

Let?s start with the facts. We went out for dinner, drinks, desserts and some live music in downtown Ottawa, which is Canada?s capital. This city has spent most of the last 20 years in a series of long economic booms, and with the latest one it?s starting to look downright glitzy. High-tech companies have been flooding in throughout the 1990s and 2000s, bringing tens of thousands of high-paying primary jobs. The federal government maintains much of its offices here, adding competition for workers. And an irrational real-estate run-up has been going for the past four years, inflating everyone?s paper wealth and causing predictable results. The whole city has sprouted that telltale bristle of construction cranes building highrise office and condo towers. To the untrained eye, it sings ?prosperity!?, although through my own recently-burned shades I see ?Real-estate bubble about to pop and cause a huge recession!?.

Regardless of the future, what we have right now is a big party. Beautiful and fancy restaurants are everywhere, and they?re all packed, with lineups just to get a table. Audis and Beemers idle slowly by in the dense party district, their LED headlamps illuminating the broad torrents of scantily clad legs as they flow across the crosswalks. Designer clothing is stretched tightly across butts and biceps as the bass pumps, jazz floats, and credit cards swipe.

So we show up at the restaurant, and we order ourselves some treats, because it?s a special occasion. This an Italian place, and I don?t eat bread and pasta anymore, so I get a nice exotic type of salad and the biggest, darkest glass of beer that they can pour. Good times ensue, and I enjoy my food. My tablemates also enjoy their food, appetizers, entrees, various drinks, and desserts.

The conversation and the laughs are great, although the noisy environment makes it a little hard to hear properly. After an hour or so I?m getting restless from sitting still so long, but thankfully it?s time for the bill.

One of the great things about Canada is that it is traditional for restaurants to deliver a separate bill to each diner by default. (In the US, servers routinely mash everything into one bill and leave the people to sort it out for themselves). So I get my own bill:

Fancy Salad: $16
Overpriced Beer: $7
Tax & Tip: $7
Total: $30.

Add in Mrs. MM?s similar meal and we?re out about $60 as a couple. Then we bought coffee and dessert at another place, spent a few dollars at the pub with the live music, and finally threw the $7.00 we had set aside for bus fare into the car cupholder of a friend who generously ended up driving us home at the end of the night. All in all, a hundred dollars might have gone up in smoke that night. Pretty expensive when you compare it to the $1.00 per meal ideal presented in the Grocery bill article, but still well within what we can afford because hey, we?re retired now.

But we were probably some of the cheapest eaters in the restaurant that night. Looking at the entrees page, I didn?t see a single dish under $20. The wine menu stretched into the triple digits. Appetizers, desserts, and coffees were readily available to inflate the tab further.

So you?d think that a restaurant like this would only be frequented by very wealthy people. Surely everyone there was already financially independent ? free from car loans, home loans, with a ?Stash sizeable enough to fund basic living expenses AND a job they loved which provided enough money to just throw around on hundred-dollar meals.. right?

But no.. those weren?t the people in the restaurant. There were my friends, none of whom are retired, and many of whom even wish they had more savings or lower debts! There were other people of all ages packed into the place, and I?d be willing to bet that less than 10% of them could truly afford to eat there, in my own strict definition of the word.

The problem is, the Mustachian definition of reasonable spending (relative to wealth) is pretty different from the average person?s definition. If WE ran the world, there would still be decadent restaurants out there for truly wealthy people, but people still stuck in cubes and trying to get ahead would choose more affordable activities for themselves.

Alas, most of us still have non-Mustachian friends, and we don?t want to throw them away just for their spending habits. Plus, there is still some fun to be had in the odd restaurant meal or other indulgence. Therefore, you and I sometimes need to compromise in the area of expensive socialization. It?s called Protecting your Money Mustache from your Spendy Friends, and it?s pretty fun once you get into it.

1: Understand the Big Picture
One of the key differences between being Frugal (good) and being Cheap (bad) in how you handle special occasions. A frugal person may have no problem dropping $50 or $100 on a good time with friends. A cheap person will feel uncomfortable and start looking at his or her feet with even the slightest and rarest of expenditures. The key is in understanding the effect of any spending over the course of a full year, then over 10 years.

For example, the Mustache family enjoyed the recent Ottawa blowout, but we can hardly even remember the LAST time we spent so much on an evening. If you assume it happens twice a year, we?re out $200 per year or $2700 every ten years, assuming some compounding. It?s solid money, but affordable. But many people I know engage in some sort of downtown happy hour once a week or more, at a cost of $5200 per year or $71,000 every ten. That?s serious money, and it was obviously NOT affordable to anyone who ends up ten years out of school and has less than $71,000 in positive net worth to their name. (Because this implies you spent more on restaurants than the combined value of everything else you own in life!). Many of the other patrons of the fancy restaurant that night were surely in that boat.

2: Take the lead in Planning
Why do non-rich people plan their social events at expensive restaurants anyway? Is it because those restaurants are the only way to have fun? Is it because they hate the idea of becoming wealthy? Is it because they?re all idiots?

No on all counts. It?s simply a habit everyone has gotten themselves into. One person suggests ?Restaurant!?, the rest of them agree because it?s easier to agree than disagree, and the plan is made.

You can override the expensive planning habit by designing more of the events yourself. Dinner or drinks at a rotating series of your own places, a group bike ride, walk, skateboard, or rollerblade event (invent a novel destination), or a meetup in a public park for pick-up soccer or a fitness workout on the kids? play structure. I highly recommend orchestrating an old-school Long-Jump competition if there is a sand pit. For inclement weather, get (or make) yourself a copy of Settlers of Catan.

Find a way to throw a Group Walk into any gathering you design ? even if it?s just a trip to the beer store or a lap around a few blocks of your neighborhood. Similarly, minimize the unnecessary use of cars (don?t organize a hike 60 miles from home and then say ?Everyone can just meet out there at the trailhead!?).

Besides making you and all of your friends richer, you?ll be shifting your group activities from consumption (of needless empty calories and booze), to production (of muscles, fitness, and overall mental wellbeing). They?ll also have more fun.

If you?ve never tried it before, you?ll be pleasantly surprised at how willing people are to follow your lead. Most people just go along with whatever is planned for them. On the Ottawa night mentioned above, the Mrs. and I managed to get the friends to replace some of their bar-hopping with a walking tour of the university campus, which stirred up many old memories. Later, I orchestrated a 2-mile roundtrip walk to the music venue (overriding the group?s original plan to drive there), which helped to burn off some of the beer and add memories to the evening.

Long ago, I took this concept to the extreme by stumbling into role of social planner for a large company?s newgrad and student workforce. With no special skills or social status, I was able to control the leisure activities of hundreds of people ? simply because I was the one typing stuff into the computer. Nowadays, I?ve taken it even further and acquired a more powerful computer.. and in case you haven?t noticed, I?m using it to control YOU!

Therefore, you have the power to take control too.

3: Get the separate Tabs ? Without Shame
In Ottawa, we attended the restaurant, but chose only reasonably-sized meals. Later that night, we joined everyone in a visit to the Gelato place, but shared a single small ice cream instead of each ordering a separate large one. Instead of a $4.00 Espresso drink, we each had a standard coffee at $1.75. Same amount of fun, lower amount of sugar, and lower bill.

But ordering less costly stuff for yourself only works if you are the one paying your own bill. So you may have to be bold and start a tradition that yes, everyone should pay for their own stuff when you go out. ?Hey Guys, I hope you don?t mind but I?d like to get my own separate bill for this. These days, I?m eating and drinking less, and saving more, and this is part of it.?

If it?s a one-off occasion and/or your friends eat the same way you do, you can skip this step, as mentioned in the ?Big Picture? point above. But otherwise, shared bills are just injustice, plain and simple. Do we wuss out and put up with injustice, or do we stand up for ourselves? Exactly.

4: Blame Mr. Money Mustache
If you?d like, you can invoke Mr. Money Mustache as part of your justification. I?ll gladly take any flak your friends would like to dish out. If you have intelligent enough friends, they might even see the light on the spot, and convert to Mustachianism.

OK, I?m being silly here, but you?d be surprised at how many people I meet these days who had never thought of financial independence in their lives, and yet have now adopted the idea wholeheartedly. It really is a neat and useful concept to understand, and yet almost nobody in the general public has even heard of it? yet*.

5: Embrace the DBP ? Drink Booster Program
As a younger man, I was known for occasionally sporting a flask or other hidden container of party supplies, whether the venue be a bar, a restaurant, or a public park. This takes the young adult?s dilemma of ?I want to get tipsy with my friends tonight, but can?t afford the $7.00 drinks?, and turns it on its head. You can whip out your flask containing the tasty beverage of your choice, and offer drink boosts not only to yourself, but to all of your friends. They can do the same. This will drastically cut the need to buy overpriced drinks, while adding an element of strategy and intrigue to the evening.

Similarly, you can turn any public park, beach, or campsite into a great meeting venue by bringing your own food and drink. Some public places attempt to post ridiculous ?No Alcohol? rules, and although I don?t want to get anyone into trouble, I do heartily endorse giving a serious middle finger to conservative societal regulations like that one. Be an adult, don?t interfere with the enjoyment of others, leave the place cleaner than it was when you got there, and use incognito containers as needed? but we should all be able to eat and drink whatever the hell we want while out enjoying Nature.

6: Remember ? it?s Being Together that Matters
One of the primary reasons we?re growing rich together here, is to free up more of our time for the rest of our lives. This time will in turn be spent in a mixture of family, friend, and solitary activities. So when planning events, your real goal is to trick people into spending time together. Eating has become our default one, because everybody knows how to eat. But there are so many other things that people can do together, many of which accomplish the goal of togetherness even better. Your job is to understand this, and focus on the people part, while designing out the expensive baggage that has unnecessarily attached itself to all of our social activities.

* Chance that a random person you meet on the street in the US or Canada is a Mustachian: about 1:4000.

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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

Source: http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/07/22/protecting-your-money-mustache-from-spendy-friends/

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