Saturday, December 31, 2011

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Amid bloodshed, Hamas prepares to leave Syria

Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, flashes the victory sign as he visits the leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Dec. 26, 2011. The green flags represent the Muslim Brotherhood. (AP Photo/Mohammed Abu Zaid)

Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, flashes the victory sign as he visits the leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Dec. 26, 2011. The green flags represent the Muslim Brotherhood. (AP Photo/Mohammed Abu Zaid)

Palestinian women who are members of the security forces of Hamas demonstrate their skills during a graduation ceremony in Gaza City, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh speaks during a press conference in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. Haniyeh was in Egypt on his first trip outside the blockaded territory since the Islamists overran it in 2007, saying his meeting with his Islamic ideological mentors threatens Israel. (AP Photo/Mohammed Abu Zaid)

Palestinian men look on at a graduation ceremony of security forces of Hamas in Gaza City, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

Palestinian men, members of the security forces of Hamas, demonstrate their skills during a graduation ceremony in Gaza City, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

(AP) ? Alarmed by bloody unrest in Syria, the Hamas militant group has pulled out many of its lower-level cadres from its Damascus headquarters and made contingency plans to move its leadership to locations across the Middle East, senior Hamas members have told The Associated Press.

The Hamas members say the group remains appreciative of Syrian leader Bashar Assad and there is no immediate intention to abandon their base in Damascus. But they confirmed that dozens of low and midlevel members have already left Syria as the security situation grows increasingly precarious.

"Most of Hamas has left Damascus. We have a plan B for leaving if things deteriorate," said a senior Hamas official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was discussing the inner workings of the secretive group.

Hamas, an Iranian-backed Palestinian group, has been based in Syria for more than a decade. Assad has allowed Hamas, branded a terrorist group by Israel and the West, to use his territory for military training, and provided a valuable headquarters in the heart of the Arab world.

But the uprising in Syria has put Hamas in a difficult place. The U.N. estimates that more than 5,000 people have been killed in violence since March, and Hamas is wary of being associated with the government crackdown.

If Hamas does pull out completely, the move could force it to change the way it operates since the leaders would become dispersed across the region and their new hosts may not give them as much freedom. Hamas' supreme leader, Khaled Mashaal, for instance, is set to go to Qatar, a Gulf state with close ties to the U.S. Other leaders would go to Egypt, another American ally, while others would end up in Lebanon, Turkey or the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas leader in the group's Gaza stronghold, says Hamas "hopes that Syria will get out of its difficult internal crisis through a political solution ending further bloodshed in the country." He said there has been "no decision" to leave Damascus.

The plan is the latest sign of change in the Islamic group amid the convulsions of the Arab Spring across the Middle East the past year. The uprisings have been a mixed blessing for Hamas. On one hand, allies like Syria are in trouble. On the other hand, Islamic groups have made strong gains through peaceful elections. While Hamas leaders say they haven't abandoned their dream of destroying Israel, they also seem to be realizing that they can advance their agenda through nonviolent means.

In recent days, Mashaal said Hamas would turn focus on nonviolent protests against Israel, though he refused to renounce violence.

He also signaled that Hamas might be willing to accept a Palestinian state alongside Israel in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. Hamas has in the past endorsed the 1967 lines as the first stage toward eliminating Israel.

Hamas also last week began the process of joining the Palestine Liberation Organization as it reconciles with the rival Fatah movement. The Fatah-dominated PLO has long sought a political settlement with Israel. Joining the PLO could give Hamas a voice, and possibly veto, in future peace efforts.

Israeli officials dismiss any suggestion that Hamas, which has killed hundreds of Israeli civilians in suicide bombings, rocket attacks and other violence, has changed. They cite the hardline speeches delivered at Hamas' 24th anniversary celebrations earlier this month, when speakers proudly called for "armed resistance" and the destruction of Israel.

"Unfortunately there is no evidence that Hamas has in any way moderated its extremist agenda," said government spokesman Mark Regev.

Barhoum said the group has not abandoned its ideology. Instead, he said it has merely changed its tactics as it adjusts to the times.

"There is a new environment around us," he said. "That doesn't mean Hamas is giving up its rights and its clear program as a resistance faction."

Hamas began its transformation into a political movement in 2006, when it defeated Fatah in Palestinian legislative elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A brief power-sharing arrangement disintegrated into violence the following year, leaving Hamas in control of Gaza and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority in charge of the West Bank. The sides are now holding reconciliation talks and hope to hold new elections next year.

In Gaza, Hamas on Tuesday marked the third anniversary of an Israeli military offensive in the seaside strip. The offensive, launched in response to months of intense rocket barrages, killed some 1,400 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians, and caused widespread damage. Thirteen Israelis also died in the fighting.

At memorial ceremonies, speaker after speaker voiced their support for continued armed confrontation with Israel. After suffering heavy losses in the fighting, Hamas has largely maintained a cease-fire with Israel the past three years. Still, it is believed to have restocked its arsenal with more powerful weapons.

But Raed Nearat, a political science professor in the West Bank who is close to Hamas, said that behind the rhetoric, Hamas is in the midst of a significant change.

He said the revolutions across the Middle East, as well as elections that have voted heavily in favor of Islamic movements in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, have emboldened Hamas.

"The Arab Spring has made Hamas much more confident, pragmatic and open," he said. "It's much more confident now that it can lead."

This week, the prime minister of the Gaza government, Ismail Haniyeh, left the territory for the first time since the 2007 takeover on an official tour of the Muslim world. His first stop was Egypt, with planned visits to Sudan, Qatar, Bahrain, Tunisia and Turkey.

Hamas officials say the goal of the trip is to improve ties with Muslim countries swept up in the uprisings shaking the Arab world. In Egypt, Haniyeh met with the leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the biggest winner in the first parliamentary elections since the Feb. 11 fall of Hosni Mubarak.

Associated Press


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Friday, December 30, 2011

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#Freelancer #jobs Virtual Assistant for Squidoo Lense Creations - Long Term #WebsiteDesign #LandingPages $2-$8 GetAFreelancer

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Spotted: Gabriel Aubry and Nahla ? Mad for Plaid

Gabriel Aubry plays doting dad to his coordinated cutie -- daughter Nahla Ariela -- Wednesday during a park playdate in Beverly Hills, Calif.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gary Johnson switches parties in run for president

SANTA FE - Governor No is a Republican no more.

Gary Johnson, a former two-term governor of New Mexico known for wielding his veto power, will become a Libertarian candidate for president on Wednesday.

Johnson, who turns 59 next week, plans to formally announce his change of parties at the Capitol in Santa Fe.

He has been in the presidential race as a Republican since April, but has barely registered in the polls. Johnson was shut out of all but two of 15 presidential debates this year.

"Anyone who looks at what has happened would say I've been treated unfairly," Johnson said in a recent interview. "I think I've been hung out to dry by the Republican Party."

In turn, Johnson will defect from the GOP in hopes of pumping oxygen into a presidential campaign that even he said was dying.

Johnson was a construction company owner without any political experience when he ran for governor in 1994. He won the Republican primary by a whisker, then upset the sitting governor, Democrat Bruce King, in the 1994 election.

Johnson acquired the nickname Governor No because he vetoed a record 200 bills in his first year in office. During his eight years as governor, he vetoed 742 bills.

But outside of New Mexico, Johnson remains a candidate who is largely unknown.

He supports a 23 percent national consumption tax on retail sales. If it were enacted, income taxes would be eliminated and the Internal Revenue Service would be dissolved.

To help balance the federal

budget, Johnson said, he would cut Defense Department spending by 43 percent. That would drop its funding to the level it was at in 2001, when President George W. Bush took office.

Johnson stood apart from many in the Republican Party on an array of issues.

He wants to legalize marijuana and outlaw the death penalty. He supports gay marriage and wants to maintain abortion rights for women.

Johnson did not reveal his position for marijuana legalization until after he had won his second term as governor in 1998.

Upon leaving the governor's office at the end of 2002, he said he had no further political aspirations. But after nine years in private life, he re-emerged as a presidential candidate.

Santa Fe Bureau Chief Milan Simonich can be reached at or 505-820-6898. His blog is at


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jamie Dupree's Washington Insider: Sen. Ben Nelson Retires

By Jamie Dupree

Democrats got some unwelcome election news on Tuesday, when Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska announced he would not seek re-election, giving Republicans a good opportunity to pick up a Senate seat in the 2012 elections.

"I want to thank Senator Nelson for his years of service representing the people of Nebraska," said President Obama in a written statement issued by the White House.

Mr. Obama also took time to note Nelsons's middle-of-the-road politics, which often earned him the political stink eye from fellow Democrats.

"Over the course of his career, Ben?s commitment to working with both Democrats and Republicans across a broad range of issues is a trait far too often overlooked in today?s politics," said the President.

But to most in both parties, Nelson's willingness to vote with Republicans was reason number one that many Democrats had been secretly wishing that Nelson would just stay in Omaha.

Nelson is certainly one of a dying breed, the Blue Dog Democrat, as those conservatives are almost extinct now in the Congress.

As of now, this seat would seem to favor Republicans; but a lot of that could well depend on the candidates who end up in the race.

Democrats were already trying to convince former Sen. Bob Kerrey to run again; it doesn't seem that long ago that I was covering Kerrey when he crossed swords with President Bill Clinton on budget policies.

Just as I'm dating myself a little with Kerrey, it doesn't seem that long ago that the Congress had a big chunk of conservative Democrats and more liberal Republicans.

But both parties have done a very effective job of purging those types from their party ranks.

Chalk up another one with Nelson's departure.


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KMFlower: yr-end Palestinian pop stats: 4.23 mil in Pal. territory, 1.37 mil in Israel, 4.99 mil in Mideast & 636k in other

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yr-end Palestinian pop stats: 4.23 mil in Pal. territory, 1.37 mil in Israel, 4.99 mil in Mideast & 636k in other KMFlower

Kevin Flower

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Phishing email seeks Apple billing info

By Suzanne Choney

You won't get an email from Apple asking you to update your billing information. But if you think you got one in recent days, delete it; it's a phishing scam designed to snatch that info from you, and it's definitely not from the Cupertino company.

The "vast phishing attack," as Mac software security firm Intego calls it, began around Christmas Day, and seeks to prey on those who got new Apple gear for the holiday. The spammers don't know whether you did or not; they do know that with Apple products as popular as they were on holiday gift lists, the odds are in their favor of getting some hits on this.

The email's subject line is "Apple update your Billing Information." Says Intego: "These well-crafted emails could fool many new Apple users, especially those who may have found an iPhone, iPod or iMac under their Christmas tree, and set up accounts with the iTunes Store or the Mac App Store for the first time. The messages claim to come from ''" And here's what it says:


Looks official, right?

Intego says if you click on the link in the message, you'd be taken to a "realistic-looking sign-in page, then, after entering your Apple ID and password, you?ll be taken to a page asking you to update your account profile, notably entering your credit card information. Again, this page looks realistic, and many of the elements it contains are taken from Apple's own Web pages."

But if you moved your cursor over the link in the message and waited for a "tooltip to pop up," you'd see this:


The URL that's shown is not an address, Intego says, "but rather a numerical address (we've blurred the first part of the address). At the end of the address is a page called apple.htm, which could fool people, but that?s not what?s important. Always look at the part right after the http:// in the URL: if it's not (it could be,, or something else), then it's bogus."

Thanks to Intego for the heads-up and the reminder that phishing scams may be at their worst during the holidays, but can also proliferate after them, too.

? Via TheNextWeb

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Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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Soldier paralyzed in shooting at homecoming party (AP)

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. ? A decorated Army soldier recovering from injuries suffered in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan has been shot at his homecoming party, and family members say he's paralyzed and in critical condition.

Christopher Sullivan, 22, was shot late Friday while trying to break up a fight between his brother and another man at a San Bernardino, Calif., residence.

"My son didn't deserve this. He served his country," his mother, Suzanne Sullivan, told the San Bernardino Sun (

Suzanne Sullivan said her son suffered two gunshot wounds to his back, which shattered his spine. Family members told the newspaper that the shooting late Friday left Sullivan paralyzed and in critical condition.

Police said Sullivan's brother and a partygoer got into an argument over football. When Sullivan moved to intervene, the man pulled a gun and opened fire.

The gunman fled the scene before police arrived.

Sullivan was wounded in a suicide bombing attack last year in Kandahar while serving with the 101st Infantry Division. He suffered a cracked collar bone and brain damage in the attack and has been recovering in Kentucky where he is stationed. He was awarded a Purple Heart.

Sullivan was home on leave when the shooting occurred.

"To come home to this, it's so unfair," his aunt Theresa Marquez told the newspaper.

His enlistment would be complete in April, after which Sullivan had planned to come home to go to college.

Family members are calling on the shooter to surrender.

Police have not identified the suspect.


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Auburn basketball: Coach Tony Barbee calls offense 'anemic' after Tigers lose to Long Beach State in semifinals of Diamond Head Classic

HONOLULU -- Long Beach State already has played a difficult non-conference schedule, and the 49ers hope that Friday?s easy victory over Auburn is more proof they can compete against teams from major conferences.

Larry Anderson scored 16 points, and Eugene Phelps and Casper Ware added 13 each as Long Beach State beat Auburn 64-43 on Friday night in the semifinals of the Diamond Head Classic.

The 49ers (7-5) of the Big West Conference put the game away with a 16-0 run for a 62-38 lead with 3:26 remaining. Ware scored eight points during the spurt, including a pair of 3-pointers. Auburn (8-2) went more than nine minutes between field goals.

?For a mid-major in these tournaments, it?s just such a ... I don?t want to say honor, but it?s such an opportunity for a mid-major to play a BCS school on a neutral court, and I?m just pleased right now that our guys are taking advantage of that opportunity,? Long Beach State coach Dan Monson said.

Long Beach State was battle-tested entering the game, having played five AP Top 25 teams this season.

The 49ers won at Pittsburgh and beat Xavier in Thursday?s opening-round game. They lost at Louisville, Kansas and North Carolina, with the defeats coming by an average of nine points.

Long Beach State will play Kansas State in today?s final. Auburn will play UTEP in the third-place game.

?We?re not here to just play in a championship,? Monson said. ?Our goal is to come over here and win this tournament and we still have an opportunity to do that.?

T.J. Robinson grabbed nine rebounds and Phelps had eight as the 49ers held a 43-25 advantage on the boards.

?I thought we rebounded pretty well,? Monson said. ?I don?t have a lot of complaints, it wasn?t perfect, but it?s not going to be. You?re not going to come over here and play a perfect game.?

Auburn shot 15 of 57 from the field. The Tigers? only threat was Frankie Sullivan, who finished with 22 points on 8 of 16 shooting.

?Offensively, we were anemic tonight,? Auburn coach Tony Barbee said. ?Hopefully, we can chalk it up to being an off night. More of a concern was we didn?t have guys make plays when they had an opportunity to make plays.?

In the first half, Long Beach State went on a 14-2 run for a 23-10 lead with 6:09 left. The Tigers went more than seven minutes without a field goal.

The 49ers? rally forced Auburn to switch from a man-to-man defense to a 2-3 zone. The Tigers stayed in the zone for much of the second half.

Anderson and Phelps each scored nine first-half points as Long Beach State took a 32-22 halftime lead.

Sullivan was the only Auburn player to make a field goal during the first 18:30 of the first half.

He finished the half with 14 points on 5 of 10 shooting from the field, including 4 of 7 from 3-point range. His teammates finished the half 1 of 16.


Phelps 5-8 3-4 13, Ennis 1-5 3-4 6, Robinson 2-7 2-2 6, Anderson 5-6 4-5 16, Ware 2-10 7-9 13, Caffey 3-3 0-1 6, Jackson 0-0 0-0 0, Dervisevic 2-5 0-0 4, Vantrimpont 0-1 0-0 0, Starkey 0-1 0-0 0, Shepherd 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 20-47 19-25 64.

AUBURN (8-2)

Langford 1-2 0-0 2, Ward 1-7 2-2 4, Gabriel 2-11 2-2 7, Sullivan 8-16 0-0 22, Chubb 1-8 2-2 4, Denson 0-1 0-0 0, McAfee 0-3 0-0 0, Wallace 0-0 0-0 0, Neysmith 0-3 0-0 0, Johnson 1-4 0-0 2, Forbes 1-2 0-0 2, Kouassi 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 15-57 6-6 43.

Halftime--Long Beach St. 32-22. 3-Point Goals--Long Beach St. 5-15 (Anderson 2-2, Ware 2-8, Ennis 1-3, Dervisevic 0-1, Starkey 0-1), Auburn 7-21 (Sullivan 6-9, Gabriel 1-6, Langford 0-1, McAfee 0-1, Johnson 0-2, Ward 0-2). Fouled Out--Chubb. Rebounds--Long Beach St. 43 (Robinson 9), Auburn 25 (Sullivan 6). Assists--Long Beach St. 8 (Ware 3), Auburn 6 (Langford 3). Total Fouls--Long Beach St. 10, Auburn 19. A--NA.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Halperin's Take: A More Empathetic Mitt (TIME)

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4 out of 5 Australians Worry about Debt; New Reality ? Owing More on Your Home Than You Own; Shocking Year for Corporate Collapses ; Merry Christmas to Those Down Under

Merry Christmas to all my Australian readers. Here is an economic roundup, with many links sent from Australian readers over the past couple weeks, especially Tony the "Brisbane Bear".

Boxing Day Sale Before Christmas?

Boxing Day is traditionally the day after Christmas. Not this year, at least for all retailers.

Tony Writes ? "Talk about desperation! We are now having the traditional Boxing day sales before Christmas. This will not make any difference in the longer run as everyone is now so accustomed to deals that any retailer who doesn?t offer substantial discounts won?t get any business. It is a whole new paradigm in retail that will eventually spread to all sectors. Businesses with high fixed costs will go broke in droves."

Please consider?Myer brings forward online ?Boxing Day? sale

December 23, 2011
The annual Boxing Day sales need a new name, it seems.

This year retail giant Myer will launch its annual post-Christmas shopping bonanza two days early, on Christmas Eve, for online customers.

Myer spokesman Steven Carey said more than 1100 new items would be available for purchase on the Myer website from 6pm tomorrow ? the first time the company had launched its stocktake sale early online.

While some customers were expected to stick to the annual tradition of queueing outside stores on Monday to snap up a bargain, Mr Carey said more and more people were choosing to shop from the comfort of their own home.

??We?ve got to cater to both the online and the bricks-and-mortar customer,?? Mr Carey said.

It comes as electronics giant Harvey Norman, which has long complained about the rise of international online shopping, began selling computer games this week via a website in Ireland that lets Australian consumers avoid GST.

Chairman Gerry Harvey said the company had launched the initiative reluctantly. "We are not doing this with a great deal of joy. We have been able to do this for a long time, we have held off," he said. "But you get to a point where you can?t hold off."

Mr Carey said if Myer?s online experiment this year was successful, it could become an annual event.

Treasurer Swan takes a potshot at ?whinger? Retailer Gerry Harvey

Tony writes ?"The Treasurer and our biggest retailer are having a slanging match right on Christmas. The party is over and everyone is getting very, very agitated as they try to deal with the new reality."

Please consider?Swan takes a potshot at ?whinger? Gerry Harvey

December 23, 2011
Treasurer Wayne Swan says it?s just not Christmas if retailer Gerry Harvey isn?t whingeing about soft sales.

The co-founder of Harvey Norman has been highly critical of the rise of international online shopping, which he says is threatening Australian jobs and businesses.

Mr Swan defended the GST threshold on goods bought offshore, saying a Productivity Commission report into the issue found it wasn?t the cause of retailers? woes.

"I can?t remember a Christmas where Gerry Harvey wasn?t whingeing," he told ABC Radio today.

"Back when we put the original stimulus package in place he spent a lot of time whingeing about that, but ultimately it did lift consumption in Australia."

Mr Harvey responded, saying he wasn?t a whinger and just wanted to protect the whole retail sector, not only his business.

"To call me a whinger when you are poll-driven, that?s just an illusion," he told ABC Radio.

He told Mr Swan: "I?ve been telling you and your government for a long time ? you have a major problem: the GST. You thought it was more important to think about the votes you were going to get."

Retailers Rocked as Debt Crisis Spreads

Tony writes ? "Hi Mish. I have been saying for ages that we have cost structures set to boom time conditions with no way of lowering costs.

Panic is setting in. Prominent broker Charlie Aitken has warned that the industry has a cost base tailored for a boom year such as 2007, when volumes are more in line with 2002."

Please consider?Retailers rocked as debt crisis spreads

December 20, 2011
THE nation?s shoppers have firmly closed their wallets amid fears of a full-blown debt contagion in Europe, while Billabong shares were smashed by 44 per cent yesterday after the iconic surfwear company released a shock profit downgrade.?

The Billabong malaise extended to other discretionary retail stocks such as David Jones and JB Hi-Fi, as more than $30 billion was shed from the value of local equities.

4 out of 5 Australians Worry about Debt

The Sydney Morning Herald reports?Most Australians worried about debt

December 19, 2011
Four out of five Australians are worried about their ability to meet future debt repayments, a survey shows.

The biannual survey by data intelligence company Veda, found 82 per cent were worried about their ability to meet debt repayments in the future, up from 75 per cent a year ago.

The survey also found that one in five Australians was struggling to repay their current credit commitments.

However, about 29 per cent of this sub group were considering applying for more credit in the next six months, the survey found.

"It is concerning that there are people struggling with their current debt levels but are turning to more credit as the answer, potentially edging closer to a debt spiral," Veda senior adviser Matthew Strassbourg said in a statement.

Here is a stat straight from the Twilight Zone: 82% are concerned about debt yet 29% of those worried want more credit.

New Reality ? Owing More Than You Own

The Age reports on the "New Reality"?Owing More on Your Home Than You Own

Rising property values have been an article of faith in the housing market for a generation of Australians who borrowed big as real estate prices marched ever upward.

While the percentage of home owners with so-called negative equity remains tiny ? about one in fifty of the 3 million households with mortgages ? the number may well swell in 2012 if home prices extend their declines as some analysts expect.

The emergence of a sector of the housing market ??under water?? on their mortgages may hurt an already fragile real estate market. Any forced sales would obviously dent individual household wealth but further drops in home prices would deter investors from buying residential properties.

Tony writes "Hey Mish, Negative equity is a new buzz word slowly entering the lexicon."

Yes indeed. For starters, I highly doubt that only 1-in-50 are underwater. Regardless, I expect that number to be 40-in-50 of those who bought or did a substantial cash-out refi in the last four years. I do not know what percentage that is, but I do know it is far more than 2%.

Shocking Year for Corporate Collapses?

Tony comments "Hey Mish, panic is setting in as retail chains go broke daily. The banks are warning that next year will be very tough. It is a vicious cycle and it is gathering speed as panic spreads and people stop spending"

SmartCompany reports?Tools chain Glenfords placed in voluntary administration

The shocking year for Australian corporate collapses has continued, with discount tools chain Glenfords now up for sale after being placed in voluntary administration last week.

The sale of the chain comes as the do-it-yourself sector has reached a major transformation point, with market leading hardware chain Bunnings now battling the Woolworths-backed Masters chain.

Analysts have said mid-tier and smaller operators will slowly be pushed out of the market as Bunnings and Masters stores dominate areas once controlled by SMEs.

The construction industry has been one of the worst hit this year ? it suffers the highest number of insolvency appointments out of any sector. Glenfords has likely suffered alongside that drop in demand.

Talent Two and Billabong Shares Smashed

Tony writes ? "The interesting downgrade was Talent2, these guys have been very successful for a long time but it seems white collar jobs are drying up fast"

The Australian reports?No ?ho ho? from Billabong, Talent Two

December 19, 2011
THERE?S no ho ho ho on the bourse today, as hopes for a consumer-led recovery evaporate as quickly as snow on an outback nativity set.?

Talent Two and Billabong ? smashed by 50 per cent and 37 per cent respectively ? tell two parts of the dismal story.

Talent Two, a leading recruiter, reported current-half earnings wouldn?t come within cooee of expectations because of reduced hiring caused by ?fears of European contagion and the volatility of financial markets?.

Talent Two?s full-year EBITDA is expected to come in at less than half the expected $30m or so, but the shares probably received an extra dollop of punishment because the ?market update? was issued at beer-o-clock on Friday.

Talent Two focuses on white-collar hiring, especially in the financial services sector where fearful workers rue their lack of skill at driving mining earthmovers or sealing S bends with O rings. It doesn?t take a (still employed) rocket scientist to work out scared workers won?t be buying electronic gizmos or surfwear, hence JB Hi-Fi?s surprise downgrade last week (also after market close) and the ever-erratic Billabong?s shocker this morning.

Retail Malaise Spreads Like Wildfire

The Age Reports?Myer to close or shrink stores as retail malaise bites

Last week, failed apparel retailer Fletcher Jones said it would close a third of its stores immediately and shed 61 staff as administrators try to revive and sell the company.

Myer stores at Tuggeranong in the Australian Capital Territory and at Forest Hill in Melbourne?s east will close early next year. Others outlets will be shrunk when the shopping centres in which they operate are redeveloped.

Real estate stockbroking analysts suggested the Myer stores at Dandenong Plaza and possibly in Wollongong, south of Sydney, could also be closed.

It is not just the stores that are shrinking. Myer has already reduced the range of white goods, electrical items, DVDs and CDs it offers, and is also reducing the number and range of location devices such as GPSs in response to changed sales conditions.

Harvey Norman is following suit, shrinking the space devoted to electrical goods in response to a plummet in prices, which means the retailer has to sell many more television sets, for example, to make the same money.

Tony writes ?

Hey Mish.

Myer is probably our oldest and most respected retail department store. (I would guess Sears or Bloomingdale?s would be US equivalents) they are in real trouble and are proposing closing stores and downsizing others.

Retail business models are broken (as are 1000?s of other business models in various sectors) and reality is sinking in. It will be very ugly when people realise that there is literally no way out.

Wages are way, way too high and working conditions are way too generous and most all other overheads are way too costly. Throw in terrible industrial relations laws that this Socialist government has introduced and you have a recipe for disaster.

Spotlight on Australia

For those who think Australia can do no wrong and Australia is the place to be, need to take another look at Australian housing, Australian retail, and also the slowdown in China.

I contend things are going to get very nasty for those down under.??

Thanks for the Links ? Merry Christmas

I get links from "Brisbane Bear" nearly every day and links from Bran in Spain nearly every day.?

Indeed, I get links from all over the world every day and I appreciate them. Sometimes they stack up like this before I use them and sometimes I never use them. But I do appreciate them regardless.?

Many times I get 30 or more emails on a story gone viral. I Typically do not respond to such articles or use them.

If you do send a link, my most common response is simply "thanks". I get hundreds of emails a day and often cannot say much more than that.?

If I never respond (not once, but repetitively), I cannot use the stories you send, you are consistently late, or I have already seen them. Most often I will not use or respond to conspiracy theories.

Finally, to those who email every day, please note I may say "thanks" only occasionally.

Merry Christmas Australia (they are nearly day ahead of Chicago), and to everyone else too!?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock


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Wedding Stories: The Most Heartfelt Wedding News Of 2011

Cystic fibrosis patient Kevin Dwyer never thought that he'd be able to finish a grueling 26-mile race -- or live long enough to propose to his girlfriend. But in November, he did. Despite his life-threatening chronic disease, Dwyer ran the NYC Marathon with his girlfriend -- and proposed at the finish-line. She said yes, of course! (Skip to 3:40 to watch the tear-jerking proposal.)


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

[Q] Android market question

I just got a Nook tablet and will probably root it, depending on the answer I get here.

I have a login to the Android market but I have no Android device registered because the Nook is my first. However, I don't see the Nook as a device in the list of devices.

Once I've rooted the device and logged onto Android market using it, will the rooted Nook be recognized as a valid device? It hasn't been thus far.

Otherwise how do you get an Android device to be associated with your Android market account?



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Traveling safely

A Christian Science perspective.

Last spring a friend was moving from Wisconsin to Arizona, and I agreed to help her drive. It was a road trip to remember as we motored west in a big moving truck with her car on a trailer behind. We had little experience driving such a rig, so our motto became ?Always forward!?

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Whether I?m driving cross-country, traveling in a foreign country, or staying at home, I find great strength, inspiration, and forward mental direction in my study of the Christian Science Bible Lesson. One morning during the trip, I studied this passage from Psalms: ?[H]e shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways? (91:11).

The idea of God?s angels having ?charge? over me was an arresting idea and one that applied to our trip. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, described angels in this way: ?Angels are not etherealized human beings, evolving animal qualities in their wings; but they are celestial visitants, flying on spiritual, not material, pinions. Angels are pure thoughts from God ?? (?Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,? p. 298). I felt myself agreeing: Of course God?s angels of comfort and insight are with me wherever I go.

This nugget of inspiration was needed as my friend and I were on the road. As we drove along, the radio reported that tornadoes had been leveling many cities and towns along our route.

Later that afternoon, when we stopped at a gas station to fill the tank, the tornado sirens went off and folks from all over the area swarmed to the station. We jostled into the walk-in cooler, the securest structure on site. As we huddled, the storm grew louder.

At first my thoughts recalled a radio report of a similar situation a few days before. I was actually thinking, Could this be the end for us?

But then I remembered the scriptural promise from that morning ? God?s angels had ?charge? over me, over the situation, and over everything. This brought a mental peace despite the outside storm.?

In the Bible, the burning bush was a symbol to Moses of inner peace; it was on fire but ?not consumed." This clarity of thought helped Moses respond to God?s call to lead the Israelites out of slavery.

These days we don?t come across many burning bushes, but it?s easy to be consumed by news reports, other people?s opinions, and our own fears. Praying or listening to ?angel messages? brings God into the equation or, better yet, dissolves fear by knowing that no one is outside God?s perpetual care. Looking to God in times of need is not foolish but totally reliable because it puts God in the driver?s seat.

As I recalled the words from Psalms, I felt I had a spiritual anchor. I looked around the walk-in cooler. I was grateful for the man who gave me a blanket to stay warm, the woman who was sharing weather updates that she received by text message, people?s humor, and unconditional love. I could see other people acting with their best selves, showing goodness and unselfishness to complete strangers.

After 40 minutes, the storm passed, and we were all able to return to our cars. You can imagine we were relieved to find the moving truck, my friend?s car, and her belongings all in place, without any damage.

That experience has revitalized my concept of God. At times, I?d thought that loving God was a stagnant or abstract thing. Now I can see that trust in God brings safety, clarity, hope, and endurance in perilous moments.

As you journey home this winter holiday, be open to feeling the divine presence of God?s angels advocating for you and guiding you in tangible ways.

To receive Christian Science perspectives daily or weekly in your inbox,?sign up today.


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Iraq PM tells Kurds to hand over Sunni VP (AP)

BAGHDAD ? Iraq's Shiite prime minister told Kurdish authorities Wednesday to hand over the Sunni vice president, who fled to the semiautonomous region to escape an arrest warrant on charges he ran hit squads targeting government officials.

Then a Kurdish presidential spokesman ruled out handing Tariq al-Hashemi over to Baghdad, turning up the heat under what has become the worst Iraqi political crisis in years.

The charges, leveled a day after the last American troops left Iraq, have opened up a new round of the Shiite-Sunni sectarian tensions of the type that pushed the country to the brink of civil war just a few years ago.

Al-Hashemi, the country's highest ranking Sunni political figure, said Tuesday the allegations by his longtime rival, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, are fabricated and politically motivated. He accused al-Maliki of concentrating power in his hands and torpedoing national reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites.

"I do not allow myself and others to bargain over Iraqi blood," al-Maliki said in his first public comments on the warrant. He said Iraq is a unified county, and the Kurdish authorities should hand over al-Hashemi to the Iraqi justice system. "If they will not hand him over or let him flee or escape, this will lead to problems," the premier said.

There has been speculation that al-Hashemi may try to flee the country to Turkey, which shares a border with the northern Kurdish region.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu offered his country's help in resolving the Iraqi political crisis, but he was cool to the idea of hosting al-Hashemi. "As an Iraqi statesman it would be more correct for him to remain in Iraq," he said.

The Sunni minority dominated Iraq under Saddam Hussein until he was ousted by the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. The Shiites have held power ever since, and many Sunnis feel the Shiite-led government is determined to keep the them from ever regaining positions of power.

The charges raised suspicions that al-Maliki ordered the arrest of al-Hashemi as part of a campaign to consolidate his hold on power out of fear that Sunnis inside and outside of Iraq are plotting against him. The conflict has sharpened the divisions in what is shaping up to be one of the most serious political confrontations in Iraq in years.

Al-Hashemi denied charges he paid his bodyguards to kill government officials during the heyday of Iraq's Sunni insurgency. Most of the accusations date back to the height of the internal war in 2006 and 2007, when neighbors turned on neighbors and whole sections of Baghdad were expunged of one Muslim sect or the other.

Al-Hashemi fled to the Kurdish region on Sunday, before the arrest warrant was announced and before purported confessions from his bodyguards aired on Iraqi television Monday evening. On Sunday he was barred from leaving the country.

Al-Maliki effectively runs the Interior Ministry, where the charges originated. Al-Hashemi's Sunni-backed party, Iraqiya, which shares power in al-Maliki's government, has repeatedly accused the prime minister of hoarding power and last weekend boycotted parliament because al-Maliki refused to give up control over key posts such as the defense and interior ministries. The prime minister has not appointed permanent ministers of defense or interior since he came to office a year ago.

Al-Hashemi has taken refuge in the Kurdish region, which is part of Iraq but has its own security forces. The Iraqi army and national police do not operate there.

As long as the Kurdish officials allow him to stay there, he is effectively immune from prosecution in Baghdad. The Kurds, who have been trying to work out a solution to the crisis, are also wary of al-Maliki's perceived authoritarian streak. But they have also clashed with Sunni politicians from Iraqiya over the future of disputed areas in northern Iraq claimed by both Baghdad and the Kurds.

For now at least, the Kurds appear to be siding with al-Hashemi in the increasing cycle of accusations and counter-accusations that has become a daily spectacle in Iraq.

Fuad Hussain, a spokesman for Massoud Barzani, the president of the three provinces that make up the Kurdish region, said al-Hashemi is a guest of the president, and handing him over to Baghdad is "not possible."

The charges have thrown Iraq into crisis just days after the last U.S. troops left the country and ended a nearly nine-year war.

Vice President Joe Biden called both al-Maliki and Osama al-Nujaifi, the speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, late Tuesday. He stressed to al-Maliki the "urgent need" for him to meet with leaders of other political blocs to help resolve the crisis.

Al-Maliki is also pushing for a vote of no confidence against the Sunni Deputy Prime Minister, Saleh al-Mutlaq, also a member of Iraqiya.

Al-Hashemi addressed the charges against him at a news conference in the northern city of Irbil on Tuesday. He said the case was "fabricated" to embarrass him and Iraqiya.

When asked whether al-Hashemi could get a fair trial in Iraq considering that the confessions have already aired on television, al-Maliki defended the treatment of the vice president.

"We gave the dictator Saddam a fair trial, and we will guarantee a fair trial for al-Hashemi," he said.

Al-Maliki also threatened to appoint new Cabinet ministers if the ministers from Iraqiya do not attend Cabinet sessions. He said that Iraqiya would be able to keep those positions and nominate new people from within their ranks.

Iraqiya has not indicated whether it will pull out of the government, but al-Maliki seemed prepared for that eventuality. He did not address Iraqiya directly, but during his opening remarks raised the possibility of having a simple majority government.

Now Iraq has a unity government that includes all the major factions, including Iraqiya and al-Maliki's State of Law alliance. The unwieldy government makes it difficult to make decisions, but supporters say it lessens the risk of violence that could result if large segments of the population are cut out of power.


Associated Press writers Sinan Salaheddin and Rebecca Santana in Baghdad and Yahya Barzanji in Sulaimaniyah contributed to this report.


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Latino Salt Lake County Mayor Candidate Wants To Rep Everyone

Ross Romero has lived a set of several different lives in his hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah. Recently, he told NewsTaco that his varied experience in his hometown ?? from growing up as the son of a single mother on a teacher?s salary, to being a student at the? University of Utah, to living on the more affluent side of town and working in a bank ?makes him the perfect candidate for Salt Lake County Mayor in 2012. The job is similar to what county administrators do in other places, he told us.

Of course, another reason Romero, an attorney, decided to run for this seat?had to do with redistricting. He told us that as Senate Minority Leader in Utah, he was told that the Democrats were going to be redistricted out by one seat. Despite fighting to keep the seat, he ultimately asked whether anyone wanted to retire or seek another office; when no one volunteered, and in order to avoid Democratic infighting, Romero took it upon himself as Minority Leader to give up his seat.

However, Romero is generally an upbeat individual who told us that he considers Salt Lake County Mayor to be a higher office, enabling him to become a bigger leader for the Democratic Party in the state of Utah. The election will be competitive he told us, noting that there is no majority party in the county, but he?s sure that he?s the best candidate to bring together what is Utah?s most diverse county in order for everyone there to prosper.

?I think I am the candidate that best relates to all of our counties? differences. Salt Lake County is the most diverse county in Utah, it has tremendous wealth and tremendous struggle. I have worked in the private sector have a good understanding of the business community I have a good understanding about not overextending our indebtedness and I?m focused on education,? he said. Additionally, after school programs, parks and recreation, support services, nutrition, transportation, pollution, health and obesity, and fiscal responsibility are at the top of Romero?s list of issues for Salt Lake County.

One really interesting thing about Romero is that he really loves Utah. To that end he told us, he frequently advocates for a variety of causes in Salt Lake County and the state of Utah, but often finds himself advocating or Utah as a community when he travels outside the state. In his view, anything you do to ?add value? for the majority, also adds value for minorities, he said.

?I always consider myself a champion for Utah?s diverse voices in Utah, but I take that same challenge to be a champion for the LDS community outside of Utah which is a minority,? he told us.

That said, Romero always recognizes that he?s a Catholic Hispanic Democrat in Utah, which brings him back to his original point about Salt Lake County Mayor:? ?I?m running as someone who cares about my community, and I believe I have a good set of skills for the job.?

Ultimately, Romero sees his bid for Salt Lake County Mayor as one way to give back to the hometown that he loves. After watching his mother work in public schools for almost 40 years, he told us her example taught him to give back to your community. As Salt Lake County Mayor Romero tells us that he hopes to make a difference by being able to give back to everyone in Salt Lake County, not just a majority or a minority community.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Microsoft rolls out more new Xbox 360 apps including UFC and Vudu

The Xbox 360's most recent dashboard update changed everything around again, but its ultimate effect will continue to be felt over the next few weeks and months as more apps trickle out and add more functionality. A few more selections just went live today, and include highly anticipated options like UFC's PPV app, and access to Vudu (pictured after the break -- also, there's no HDX support yet, just HD) movie streaming. That's not all however as they're also joined by 4 on Demand (UK), ABC iView (Australia), Dailymotion, Demand 5 (UK), plus M6 and MSN Video (France). Also recently announced are plans to bring Orange TV in France to the Xbox 360 in the spring with live streaming of thirty TV channels and VOD access later. For its part, Vudu is trying to entice new customers with a $4.99 credit towards their first rental or purchase, plus a few other promotional pricing incentives. Check the press release after the break for more details, or just power on your console to see the channels that are available in your neck of the woods.

Continue reading Microsoft rolls out more new Xbox 360 apps including UFC and Vudu

Microsoft rolls out more new Xbox 360 apps including UFC and Vudu originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 19:38:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Paul Allen plans to replace space shuttle program

Paul Allen is planning on building the world's largest plane intended to offer space travel to paying customers and possibly to the international space station.

Microsoft Corp co-founder Paul Allen is planning to build a spaceship that could replace the Space Shuttle and put paying passengers into orbit this decade.

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Lifelong space enthusiast Allen is hoping to launch unmanned rockets from a massive flying carrier plane to put government and commercial satellites into space and eventually evolve to human space missions.

The initiative comes only months after the United States retired the Space Shuttle program after 30 years, opening the door to private enterprise to supply space vehicles.

Allen's rocket will be launched from what will be the world's biggest plane, a massive carrier aircraft powered by six jumbo jet engines, to be constructed by Scaled Composites, a unit of defense contractor Northrop Grumman Corp.

Its wingspan will be about 385 feet, bigger than a football field and 70 percent longer than the wings of a Boeing 747.

The rocket itself will be made by private space company SpaceX, created by Elon Musk, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal. The rocket and carrier will be integrated by aviation and missile specialists Dynetics.

The first test flight is targeted for 2015 with the first commercial flight the year after.

"I have long dreamed about taking the next big step in private space flight," said Allen. "To offer a flexible, orbital space delivery system."

The new company to manage the project, called Stratolaunch Systems, has the slogan "Any orbit. Any time."

Allen, the sole funding source for development, did not say how much he would spend on the project, but indicated it would be $200 million or more, an "order of magnitude" greater than the $20 million he spent backing the first privately funded, manned space flight in 2004.


Fifty-eight-year-old Allen - listed by Forbes magazine as the world's 57th-richest person, with a fortune of $13.2 billion - is the latest in a line of tech billionaires with interests in the privatization of space travel.

His space ambitions put him alongside Musk and founder Jeff Bezos, whose Blue Origin aims to put people into space at an affordable price, rather than the millions of dollars it has cost up to now.


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

BP Settles with Another Company in Gulf Oil Spill (ContributorNetwork)

According to a December 16 article by the Associated Press, Cameron International, the maker of the failed blowout preventer in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, has agreed to pay $250 million to BP under a legal settlement. It is the fourth company BP has settled with in lieu of a federal trial over the catastrophic spill that took place in the Gulf of Mexico in April, 2010. Here are the details:

* The April 20, 2010, explosion killed 11 workers and caused more than 200 million gallons of oil to spill off the coast of Louisiana. According to a December 16 report by Nasdaq, Cameron manufactured a critical safety device intended to shut down the Deepwater Horizon well.

* As part of the settlement, BP has agreed to indemnify Cameron from compensatory claims related to the accident, including environmental claims, Nasdaq reported. Settlements have also been reached with BP's Deep Horizon partners, Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and Mitsui & Co., as well as Weatherford International Ltd, an oil services company. Those settlements, according to an article in the New York Times on December 16, totaled about $5.1 billion.

* BP continues to fight with Transocean, which operated the rig, and Halliburton, which was responsible for cement work. Claims against those companies are in the tens of billions of dollars, the New York Times reported. A December 6 Reuters article states that BP has accused Halliburton of destroying evidence that the company did inadequate cement work. Halliburton has accused BP of fraud and defamation.

* BP said that it would use the $250 from Cameron to pay for the cost of cleaning up the spill and individual claims by people, businesses and entities hurt by the spill, the Associated Press reported. BP says it has already paid about $7.5 billion in claims.

* According to the New York Times, the company has set aside about $41 billion to cover all the costs associated with the spill, including a $20 billion compensation fund.

* A nonjury federal trial over the spill is expected to begin in February 2012.


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Iran demands Afghanistan cancel US drone flights (AP)

TEHRAN, Iran ? The official Iranian news agency says Iran's foreign minister is demanding that Afghanistan stop letting the U.S. launch drone flights over his country.

Iran has displayed a pilotless American aircraft it says was forced to land two weeks ago during a mission over Iran. The U.S. says it went down because of a malfunction.

The Thursday report by official IRNA news agency quotes Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi as saying Tehran has demanded that Kabul not to allow the U.S. use Afghanistan's land and airspace to conduct further intelligence operations.

Salehi says further operations would be seen as "unfriendly act."

The remark by Salehi is seen as a response to U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who said Wednesday in Afghanistan that the operations will continue.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tame Debate Gives Way To Mitt-Mentum (ABC News)

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Google employee creates the ultimate LAN party house, lives la vita local

You don't see many software engineers over on Cribs, but if you did, then Google employee Kenton Varda would probably be first in line. Some people buy fancy cars and hot tubs, Kenton created the ultimate LAN party room. Getting your crew round for a marathon Counter-Strike session might be a barrel, but tangled cables and weeding out connection problems are not, or at least Kenton clearly doesn't think so. No more cable spaghetti for him though, thanks to a permanent installation that includes machines, monitors, many feet of HDMI and USB leads, rack mounts and networking equipment for up to 12 gaming chums. Spread over two rooms, with six stations in each -- ideal for team games -- bespoke cabinets were made to keep it easy on the eye. Anyone wanting to take on a similar project can expect to put a $40,000 dent in their wallet, or a little more, depending on the size of your LAN.

Google employee creates the ultimate LAN party house, lives la vita local originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 15 Dec 2011 15:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Gov. vows to prepare Calif. for climate change (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO ? The United Nations' top climate official on Thursday lauded California's efforts to help mitigate global warming by reducing greenhouse gases but said the state needs to more quickly adapt to the risks that extreme weather and a rising sea pose to agriculture and the coastline.

Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, joined scientists, California Gov. Jerry Brown and billionaire Sir Richard Branson at a conference at the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park.

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger also is expected to attend the conference Thursday afternoon.

Brown organized the conference, he said, to urge people to "wake up" to the risks posed by extreme weather caused by manmade global warming, and to start thinking about what California ought to do to prepare.

He said the state needs to gird itself against floods caused by the faster snowmelts that are already happening, putting pressure on aging levees and threatening the state's agriculture industry. Warming climate also means longer and more intense wildfire seasons that will threaten homes and infrastructure such as power lines, and affect air quality.

"The greatest obstacle we face is a deep sense of complacency, a sense that things were this way yesterday and were OK and will continue," Brown told the packed auditorium.

"It's difficult to see what's not completely obvious ... the buildup of greenhouse gases and climate change, we see it, it's pretty clear." he said.

Brown called skeptics of global warming a well-funded "cult" that disagrees with the vast majority of climate scientists.

"Greenhouse gases are building up, and there is a wide consensus among thoughtful people, even though deniers and skeptics have created quite a PR campaign," he said.

Pachauri said UN studies show that 95 percent of human deaths associated with extreme weather events happen in developing countries.

Yet he said the world's large economies, such as California, can make great strides toward helping reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, especially through the simple task of retrofitting existing buildings.

"If one could retrofit buildings to make them more efficient, and if new buildings could be built to current standards, it's really a win-win situation," Pachauri said. "Overall the building sector has the largest potential for the reduction of emissions."


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